How to keep a healthy weight even if you are studying at home

Are we at the age to worry about weight? Possibly not. Some experts believe that it is around the age of 30 when our metabolism begins to slow down. Nevertheless, combined with sedentary lifestyle, especially now that many of us spend all day in front of the screen without almost never leaving the room, the person begins to gain weight, unless they perform an adequate intervention in terms of quality and quantity of their diet, combined with an adequate exercise program. But what should we do to stay healthy and at an adequate weight?

The answer is simple! We must exercise more and eat less, or at least eat more balanced. We need to eat less carbohydrates and sugars, more vegetables, and drink more water. Easy to say, just two lines and I finish the article. However, this is easier said than done.

I myself have tried to lose weight for years, by trying to exercise and moderate what I eat. However, when feeling a little hungry, for some strange reason, cookies, ice-cream or cheese are more accessible than broccoli, carrots or strawberries.

Dr. Maribel Woodward, a physician from Dover, Delaware, indicates some of the consequences of being overweight: Risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes, increased blood pressure, early degeneration of the knee and ankle joints, overstressing of the kidneys, risk of suffering heart attacks, and now, a greater risk of dying in case of acquiring Covid-19, mostly because people with obesity often have underlying medical conditions that put them at greater risk from the coronavirus, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Obesity can also cause metabolic changes, such as insulin resistance and inflammation which make it harder for the body to fight off infections caused by Covid-19.

Sarah Boseley, who works as health editor for the Guardian wrote that “individuals with obesity are also more likely to experience physical ailments that make fighting this disease harder, such as sleep apnea, which increases pulmonary hypertension, or a body mass index that increases difficulties in a hospital setting with intubation.”

I am probably not wrong in saying that we have all met more than one person who, after many years, retain a good figure and physical build. They wear the same pant size that they did when they graduated from high school. We always refer to them as people who have some gene that makes them maintain themselves without gaining weight, however, this is not always the case. Most of them are very disciplined people who are aware that being overweight is not beneficial for health.

I decided to ask them what their formula is to maintain their weight and physical build. What do they eat? How do you overcome the temptations? Have you discovered any special secret? How have you managed to maintain your weight, between working and studying from home? These are their testimonials.

 Sonia Reyes

She repeats to herself that she needs to be healthy for her son.  She walks at least 30 minutes per day. She feels a boost in her mood and the exercise helps her to think clearly.  Her secret, she says, is that she does not overthink about the walking time.  She just does it. She also likes to learn a new sport, even if she would never play it properly.

At the end, she says “playing tennis and trying to keep a healthy diet has helped me enormously in keeping me physically and mentally strong. Keeping a healthy weight is not easy but doing nothing about it is even worse. Take one day at the time and do your best to keep yourself active, it’s worth it. You are worth it! Never give up!”

 Gloria Garcia

Garcia works at home for an insurance company. During the interview, she said “ In order for me not to increase my weight I try to maintain a balanced diet that includes all types of vegetables; limit to ingest carbohydrates to the minimum also watch out the amounts of food and drink plenty water. in addition, I try to exercise at least five days per week, either walking or using my bike.  I like it more when I go with my friends.  Group support. Besides, we talk for a while.”

Then, I asked her:

“What do you do if were to run into a milk shake store?”

She immediately answered, I might try it in sips only….. just a little. That’s enough.  Remember the quantity is very important.  However, quitting bread is hard.  I do the same.  Just a little bit, no more tan twice per week.

Clementina Zelaya

She said: “I eat small portions of everything, I eat slowly and a lot of vegetables.  I drink a lot of water. It is very important to drink a glass of water before each meal.  Something I learned is to drink either room temperature or hot beverages.  Never have cold drinks, never use ice, because they slow down your metabolism”

She finished the interview by saying: “Exercising is the other part of the equation. I walk three times per week. It is my habit.  Eating small portions.  Sometimes I mix the walking with the gym. I get bored if I do the same thing every day and then there is a risk I want to quit.  I general, I try to make it simple.’

Ricardo Banegas

During the interview Banegas expressed “Eight years ago, I increased my pant size from size 33 to 36.  I had to buy new pants but then, a few months later I started to get sick.  Liver, digestive problems, knee pain.

“I visited a nutritionist who recommended me to modify my eating habits. He told me to limit red meat only once per week.  Eat more fish and chicken.  No margarine and limited butter.  He also told me to increase green vegetable and to eat them raw as possible.  To eat a lot of salads and fruits. No dressings but olive oil and lime juice.  I remember he told me to eat a large breakfast, a medium lunch, and a small dinner.

“I learned how order my eating habits.  I exercise every day.  Since then, my pant’s size is 32.  My pants are my warning.  if my pants start to tighten my waist, I become stricter in my regime.  I would never buy a large pant.  I am forgetting something important.  To drink a glass of water before each meal and to drink water in small amounts the rest of the day. I don’t drink coke or artificial juices.  Just plain water.  This is a continuous fight with myself.  There are temptations to which I succumb from time to time. But when my pants just start to tighten, I get stricter in my regimen.”

Claudio Vasquez

“I am just afraid to get sick and being in a wheelchair due to diabetes, compressed joints or obesity.  I have read that a diet containing basically low meat, a lot of vegetables and fruits is good for my health.  I don’t consume coke, cakes, bread, ice cream or things with a lot of sugars.   If I eat too much or if I eat things I should not eat, it could be my mind, but I begin to feel different kinds of corporal pains.  Definitely it is in my mind, but the good part is that helps me to keep my weight and my health.”

When I asked him, how do you overcome temptations? He answered: “it is not easy, almost impossible, I I usually give in to temptations but then, I have to pay the price.  I feel terrible and I can’t sleep at night.”

Marlon Valladares

“I have learned how to eat in moderation.  I pay attention that each meal contains the three basic groups:  Carbohydrates, protein and fibers. I try to eat a lot of vegetables.  If my meal has carbs, I try to eat just one of them.  I do not eat in between meals. And don’t eat anything after 9:00 pm, except of course, when I receive an invitation to a dinner. Very exceptional and rare occasions by the way.  The breakfast is my largest meal and I try to eat small amounts during my dinner meals.

Sometimes there are temptations.  Ice cream, cakes or beers. I take them, but then I try to reduce something from my next meal. That has worked fine for me.  I understand people need to try different options that work for each of them. The same recipe of keeping weight does not work the same way to everybody.

I exercise every day. I use the stairs instead of the elevator, I go to walk to the park, at least twice per week.  I do aerobics and floor routines here at home.  I used to go to the gym three times per week but not anymore.   All this pandemic time, I have just quit bread and sugars and increase my walking time.  I think discipline is the key.”

Graciela Rivas

“I use that old pyramid method. I divide the plate in four parts.  One part of meat, boiled chicken or fish.  No beef no pork. That is the protein. The other part for the carbohydrates, such as beans, rice or potatoes. The other two parts are for the salads and fruits.  A lot of green vegetables and fruits.

“I try to eat a little bit every three hours.  I have small snacks in between meals. Mostly nuts or a fruit.  It is important to mention that all these things work if you combine them with exercise. I walk, bike or even clean up my house every day.

“I eat my last meal, by 7:00 pm.  It is not good to eat late at night. And always drink water.  I keep three to four glasses with water around the house and in the car. When I see them, I drink a little bit of it.  It is also important to learn how to control the stress and to sleep well at night.”

It is important to note that all the people I interviewed are over fifty years old. They work in different fields, and even live in different countries. What I learn from them is that discipline, getting some knowledge about nutrition, doing exercise and drinking water is crucial to keep a healthy and sustainable weight.

Can we solve our overweight problem as they did it? Probably yes, as long we acquire the attitude for doing it.