How to keep a healthy weight even if you are studying at home

Are we at the age to worry about weight? Possibly not. Some experts believe that it is around the age of 30 when our metabolism begins to slow down. Nevertheless, combined with sedentary lifestyle, especially now that many of us spend all day in front of the screen without almost never leaving the room, the person begins to gain weight, unless they perform an adequate intervention in terms of quality and quantity of their diet, combined with an adequate exercise program. But what should we do to stay healthy and at an adequate weight?

The answer is simple! We must exercise more and eat less, or at least eat more balanced. We need to eat less carbohydrates and sugars, more vegetables, and drink more water. Easy to say, just two lines and I finish the article. However, this is easier said than done.

I myself have tried to lose weight for years, by trying to exercise and moderate what I eat. However, when feeling a little hungry, for some strange reason, cookies, ice-cream or cheese are more accessible than broccoli, carrots or strawberries.

Dr. Maribel Woodward, a physician from Dover, Delaware, indicates some of the consequences of being overweight: Risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes, increased blood pressure, early degeneration of the knee and ankle joints, overstressing of the kidneys, risk of suffering heart attacks, and now, a greater risk of dying in case of acquiring Covid-19, mostly because people with obesity often have underlying medical conditions that put them at greater risk from the coronavirus, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Obesity can also cause metabolic changes, such as insulin resistance and inflammation which make it harder for the body to fight off infections caused by Covid-19.

Sarah Boseley, who works as health editor for the Guardian wrote that “individuals with obesity are also more likely to experience physical ailments that make fighting this disease harder, such as sleep apnea, which increases pulmonary hypertension, or a body mass index that increases difficulties in a hospital setting with intubation.”

I am probably not wrong in saying that we have all met more than one person who, after many years, retain a good figure and physical build. They wear the same pant size that they did when they graduated from high school. We always refer to them as people who have some gene that makes them maintain themselves without gaining weight, however, this is not always the case. Most of them are very disciplined people who are aware that being overweight is not beneficial for health.

I decided to ask them what their formula is to maintain their weight and physical build. What do they eat? How do you overcome the temptations? Have you discovered any special secret? How have you managed to maintain your weight, between working and studying from home? These are their testimonials.

 Sonia Reyes

She repeats to herself that she needs to be healthy for her son.  She walks at least 30 minutes per day. She feels a boost in her mood and the exercise helps her to think clearly.  Her secret, she says, is that she does not overthink about the walking time.  She just does it. She also likes to learn a new sport, even if she would never play it properly.

At the end, she says “playing tennis and trying to keep a healthy diet has helped me enormously in keeping me physically and mentally strong. Keeping a healthy weight is not easy but doing nothing about it is even worse. Take one day at the time and do your best to keep yourself active, it’s worth it. You are worth it! Never give up!”

 Gloria Garcia

Garcia works at home for an insurance company. During the interview, she said “ In order for me not to increase my weight I try to maintain a balanced diet that includes all types of vegetables; limit to ingest carbohydrates to the minimum also watch out the amounts of food and drink plenty water. in addition, I try to exercise at least five days per week, either walking or using my bike.  I like it more when I go with my friends.  Group support. Besides, we talk for a while.”

Then, I asked her:

“What do you do if were to run into a milk shake store?”

She immediately answered, I might try it in sips only….. just a little. That’s enough.  Remember the quantity is very important.  However, quitting bread is hard.  I do the same.  Just a little bit, no more tan twice per week.

Clementina Zelaya

She said: “I eat small portions of everything, I eat slowly and a lot of vegetables.  I drink a lot of water. It is very important to drink a glass of water before each meal.  Something I learned is to drink either room temperature or hot beverages.  Never have cold drinks, never use ice, because they slow down your metabolism”

She finished the interview by saying: “Exercising is the other part of the equation. I walk three times per week. It is my habit.  Eating small portions.  Sometimes I mix the walking with the gym. I get bored if I do the same thing every day and then there is a risk I want to quit.  I general, I try to make it simple.’

Ricardo Banegas

During the interview Banegas expressed “Eight years ago, I increased my pant size from size 33 to 36.  I had to buy new pants but then, a few months later I started to get sick.  Liver, digestive problems, knee pain.

“I visited a nutritionist who recommended me to modify my eating habits. He told me to limit red meat only once per week.  Eat more fish and chicken.  No margarine and limited butter.  He also told me to increase green vegetable and to eat them raw as possible.  To eat a lot of salads and fruits. No dressings but olive oil and lime juice.  I remember he told me to eat a large breakfast, a medium lunch, and a small dinner.

“I learned how order my eating habits.  I exercise every day.  Since then, my pant’s size is 32.  My pants are my warning.  if my pants start to tighten my waist, I become stricter in my regime.  I would never buy a large pant.  I am forgetting something important.  To drink a glass of water before each meal and to drink water in small amounts the rest of the day. I don’t drink coke or artificial juices.  Just plain water.  This is a continuous fight with myself.  There are temptations to which I succumb from time to time. But when my pants just start to tighten, I get stricter in my regimen.”

Claudio Vasquez

“I am just afraid to get sick and being in a wheelchair due to diabetes, compressed joints or obesity.  I have read that a diet containing basically low meat, a lot of vegetables and fruits is good for my health.  I don’t consume coke, cakes, bread, ice cream or things with a lot of sugars.   If I eat too much or if I eat things I should not eat, it could be my mind, but I begin to feel different kinds of corporal pains.  Definitely it is in my mind, but the good part is that helps me to keep my weight and my health.”

When I asked him, how do you overcome temptations? He answered: “it is not easy, almost impossible, I I usually give in to temptations but then, I have to pay the price.  I feel terrible and I can’t sleep at night.”

Marlon Valladares

“I have learned how to eat in moderation.  I pay attention that each meal contains the three basic groups:  Carbohydrates, protein and fibers. I try to eat a lot of vegetables.  If my meal has carbs, I try to eat just one of them.  I do not eat in between meals. And don’t eat anything after 9:00 pm, except of course, when I receive an invitation to a dinner. Very exceptional and rare occasions by the way.  The breakfast is my largest meal and I try to eat small amounts during my dinner meals.

Sometimes there are temptations.  Ice cream, cakes or beers. I take them, but then I try to reduce something from my next meal. That has worked fine for me.  I understand people need to try different options that work for each of them. The same recipe of keeping weight does not work the same way to everybody.

I exercise every day. I use the stairs instead of the elevator, I go to walk to the park, at least twice per week.  I do aerobics and floor routines here at home.  I used to go to the gym three times per week but not anymore.   All this pandemic time, I have just quit bread and sugars and increase my walking time.  I think discipline is the key.”

Graciela Rivas

“I use that old pyramid method. I divide the plate in four parts.  One part of meat, boiled chicken or fish.  No beef no pork. That is the protein. The other part for the carbohydrates, such as beans, rice or potatoes. The other two parts are for the salads and fruits.  A lot of green vegetables and fruits.

“I try to eat a little bit every three hours.  I have small snacks in between meals. Mostly nuts or a fruit.  It is important to mention that all these things work if you combine them with exercise. I walk, bike or even clean up my house every day.

“I eat my last meal, by 7:00 pm.  It is not good to eat late at night. And always drink water.  I keep three to four glasses with water around the house and in the car. When I see them, I drink a little bit of it.  It is also important to learn how to control the stress and to sleep well at night.”

It is important to note that all the people I interviewed are over fifty years old. They work in different fields, and even live in different countries. What I learn from them is that discipline, getting some knowledge about nutrition, doing exercise and drinking water is crucial to keep a healthy and sustainable weight.

Can we solve our overweight problem as they did it? Probably yes, as long we acquire the attitude for doing it.


Winter is approaching: Here’s some suggestions to keep you busy

2020 has been an infamous year. Now, it’s almost over, but the pandemic that has controlled much of it is still ongoing. As winter approaches, it’s important to stay busy as people will be even more isolated than before. It’s also important for people to stay safe and healthy as well. So, while this may mean staying inside and refraining from normal winter festivities, it does not mean that everyone has to succumb to boredom.

As it gets colder, and as COVID-19 continues to hold us hostage, we are going to need to find some things to keep us busy. Fortunately, there are movies, television shows, documentaries, and books which are worth checking out, and can help kill some time.

If anyone is looking for a good limited television series, Netflix’s “The Queen’s Gambit” is definitely one to look out for.

The show stars Anya Taylor-Joy as Beth Harmon, a young orphan who rises to international recognition as a chess prodigy. The series depicts her life from the age of nine to the age of twenty, and shows the trials and tribulations she faces as she navigates her newfound fame.

The series is short, comprising only seven episodes, but it is beautifully done, and does not disappoint.

If someone is looking for a slightly longer television show, “The Crown”, also on Netflix, has come out with a fourth season. Though it has raised some media controversy, many people have praised the season as well.

The show’s first season begins in the 1940s, and the fourth season picks up in the 1970s. It gives the viewer an inside look at the British government and monarchy.

Though movie theaters have been closed down, that does not mean people have to miss out on films as a whole.

In fact, it may be the perfect time to find new favorite films and directors.

The films of renowned director Wes Anderson may help distract us during these long winter months. Known for his distinctive colorful style, his lineup of actors,  and his comedic storylines, Anderson’s films provide the watcher with the perfect escape.

If you’re just getting into him, a good place to start would be with early films such as “The Royal Tenenbaums” or “Rushmore.” It’s also worth noting that he has a new film due to come out sometime in 2021, called “The French Dispatch.”

If someone wants to watch a film from 2020, “The 40-Year Old Version” is a funny, realistic film. The film, which is semi-autobiographical, tells the story of New York City playwright Radha Blank, and her journey to reinvent herself as she moves forward in her career. It is hilarious, honest, and accurate.

Another film from 2020, this one a documentary, is “John Lewis: Good Trouble.” Representative John Lewis passed away this year, and this beautiful film takes a look at his life and his involvement in our current government as well as the original Civil Rights movement. The film includes interviews with Lewis himself, as well as many others, and it includes footage of Lewis during the 1960s as well. It’s a wonderful, in-depth look at a man who accomplished so much for our country, and watching it is the perfect way to honor him.

Reading is also a wonderful way to occupy the mind. It is also nice to read books that coincide with things that are happening at present. “The Great Believers,” a novel by Rebecca Makkai is an amazing read. The novel was published in 2018, but due to the topics it deals with, it is actually quite relevant. The book alternates between two different time periods, 1985 and 2015. It deals with the AIDS epidemic, specifically in Chicago, and it shows the devastating effects it brought about. December is National AIDS Awareness Month, and this book shines a light on what was an extremely dark time in American history.

For those interested in a nonfiction read, “Begin Again: James Baldwin’s America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own” by Eddie Glaud is worth checking out. The book showcases acclaimed author James Baldwin’s message and the America he lived in, as well as the one he believed in. It then connects his story to the current American story. In light of the increasing acts of racial injustice this year, and of all the years past, and the political and social movements that have risen as a result, this book is a must-read.

With all of that, just because it’s winter does not mean you have to be bored! There are countless ways to stay busy, and innumerable things you can check out, whether it be t.v shows, film, or literature.


American Dream Profile Series: Xiqiang Hong

Xiqiang Hong lived through the Chinese Cultural Revolution in 1966 and eventually immigrated to the United States. I was given the privilege to talk to him about his thoughts on the American Dream and how his life experiences shaped his perception.

When I spoke with him, he was very friendly, but also very practical and to the point. Hong was born in the Fujian Province in China. He now lives in Beverly, where he moved in 1994.

“I came to Massachusetts for a postdoctoral job at New England Biolabs,” he said, “Before that, I came to California in 1983 to study for my PhD graduate study.”

Hong now works at Cell Signaling Technology in Danvers. Cell Signaling produces reagents such as antibodies that are used to study the cell signaling pathways that affect human health. Hong started working at the company when it was started, as it branched off from New England Biolabs.

We eventually began to talk about events in life that have impacted us both positively and negatively. He told me about his life as a teenager during the Cultural Revolution in China and it was extremely eye-opening.

“Before my college education, I had only 6 years of schooling, 5 years of primary school and 1 year of middle school (in 1966),” Hong explained to me, “In 1966, when the Culture Revolution broke out and schooling was stopped in China, I was in my 6 th year of schooling.”

The Cultural Revolution was a sociopolitical movement that’s goal was to preserve Communism in China. It also aimed to get rid of any remaining traces of capitalism and traditional Chinese society. Schools and universities were shut down and a movement known as the “Down to the Countryside Movement.” This movement rounded up privileged and educated children and teenagers and sent them to work on farms. Hong was one of these children, just 13 at the time.

“In the next 10 years, nobody would think there was any chance for education restoration at all in future. But I still kept learning knowledge through self-teaching in my spare time. It was viewed by many as ‘useless’” Hong said.

Hong spoke about how he chose to keep educating himself, though it did not seem that he would ever get the chance to attend college (interestingly enough, Hong described himself to me as a person who is not very ambitious).

“But, I did not do it because it was useful in terms of preparing myself for a college admission,” Hong said, “I did it because I thought it was the right thing to do. I thought knowledge was useful, and it’s shameful to just let the time slip through.”

This proved to be a very critical decision for him, as a member of what is sometimes called China’s “lost generation,” which Hong mentioned.

“Then in 1977 the country had the power structure changed. The new administration restored college education and I was able to pass the exam to be admitted to a college, whereas many of my peers (a group of 60 million youths) could not simply because they had stopped learning.”

His college education in China brought him to California in 1983, at the age of 30. There he completed a graduate study and obtained his PhD.  It was when he came to the USA, that he first heard of the term the “American Dream.”

“I can’t recall exactly when. But definitely after (probably not long after) coming to this country, from TV news reports, I believe.”

Hong is not sure if he believes in the concept of the American Dream completely, “Sort of. But before I came to the USA, I did not hear the word, though I certainly came with the idea of enjoying a great life opportunity.”

Hong also mentioned that back in China there is sort of the concept of the “Chinese Dream.”  This represents new opportunities that he himself did not have, leading to his moving to the United States. Here he has begun to form his own conception of the so-called “American Dream.”

When talking about his personal thoughts on the term he said that to him the American Dream means, “Opportunity and freedom to develop yourself.” Over time, he thinks he has learned what makes the American Dream work for him.

“More and more I affirm the belief that American Dream means not just opportunities but also hard work to make the dream come true. In Chinese, we have a saying similar to “You reap what you sow” but in the good connotation.”

The last thing Hong said to me was a summation of everything he spoke about.

“The essence of this story,” he said,  “I guess, is regardless of your environment and opportunities, sometimes you just have to do the thing you think you should be doing, even if it would seem useless practically. Then when the opportunity comes, you grab it.”

Editor’s Note: Sabine Smith is completing this series of profiles focused on the American Dream as an Honors Project for Journalism I. 

Single parenting in modern America

According to the U.S Census, single parent families make up around 32% of the 11 million families that have children under the age of 18, with single mothers being the primary parent in 8.5 million of these families.

With this significant number we thought it would be interesting to talk with single mothers on their greatest joys and challenges of raising a child by themselves. We will speak to mothers in a variety of age groups to try and hear from all walks of life.

Jessica Whittemore is a 22-year-old single mother who lives in Amesbury, Massachusetts, with her 2-year-old daughter Chelsea. When asked about one of her greatest joys of parenting Whittemore had this to say, “Chelsea’s personality, she is a wicked funny 2-year-old with a great deal of sass, I also love to play with her and her toys.”

When I asked Whittemore about what some of her challenges are with single parenting she responded with this, “Just being able to get the kids to listen to you, as well as just being able to afford what she needs.”

Whittemore said that her support circle consists of her family; While Whittemore is at work they can drive Chelsea to necessary appointments and watch after her.

Pam Maliszewski is a 41-year-old single mother who lives in Amesbury, Massachusetts, with her 12-year-old daughter Ali Maliszewski. When asked about what one of her greatest joys of parenting was, she responded with this, “You have a friend for life, no matter how mad they may seem at you one minute, you will always have a friend for life.”

When Maliszewski was asked about some the challenges of single parenting she said “Probably not being able to see her as much as I would like to see her, and the differing rules between her father’s house and my house.”

Maliszewski’s support circle consists of her mother and Kristen Isabelle, who has been her best friend for over a decade.

Lastly, we spoke to Sarah Zellen a 21-year-old single mom from Amesbury, Massachusetts, with her 2-year-old Addie. When asked about what she enjoys most about parenting Zellen replied, “My greatest joy of motherhood is knowing that we have a bond that is greater than anything in the world.”

When asked about some of the challenges of being a single mother and how it affects her mentally she responded with a variety of challenges to be had, such as the energy of a 2-year-old compared to that of an adult, and the financial aspect of raising a child.

When asked about her support circle Zellen responded with “I have a huge support system, I live at home with my mom and brothers and they help me anyway they can. On top of this, my grandparents have been overwhelmingly supportive, and my friends have functioned almost as an extension to my family.”

After speaking to these single mothers I noticed a trend where the mothers could talk almost endlessly on the joys of parenting, but when asked about the challenges of single parenting they seemed to think much longer about exactly what the said challenges were.

At the same time, this inside look provides a deeper insight on mothers from a variety of age groups and how they have been able to raise their children in a tender, loving environment despite being on their own.

Three generations of Northern Essex Students share their experience at the community college    

How has the experience of Northern Essex Community College changed over the years?

Three generations of NECC students reflect on their time at the school and offer alumni tips on how to get the most out of your years in college.

As all students have been made aware of, the 2020 caronavirus swept the educational world off of its feet and resulted in the closing of schools all across the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom. With the distinctive rise of e-learning, education has changed dramatically for Northern Essex and all schools alike.

Northern Essex Community College has been teaching students since 1961 with many successful graduates along the years. Lissette Alvarez, of the Gen X generation is a Northern Essex Alumni and attended the school from 1996 to 1998 and is currently a Branch Supervisor at Metro Credit Union.

She reflected on her years at Northern Essex and decided, “My favorite part of my years at Northern Essex was the student job that I had at the Haverhill Department.”

She went on and explained how the campus, for her, was not only in a convenient space, but was also a spacious campus for her to enjoy and attend her studies.

The next alumni that spoke to me about her time at Northern Essex was Jamilette Genao, of the Millennial generation who graduated from the school in May of 2018 and is currently a Sr. Specialist, Personal Banker at Santander Bank. She was extremely thoughtful when looking back at her time on The Northern Essex Campus:

“What I liked about Northern Essex was the community. Professors of mine made a big effort for students to be involved with the events taking place on campus and made sure we were aware of all of the resources and tools we had readily available to us as students. Northern Essex has multiple campuses making it convenient for students to get what they need e.g. signing up for classes near home at Common st., Haverhill as my main campus and study spot at the library, testing at Franklin st campus etc. As a student, I always felt like the way the school functioned was catered to the students and them getting their education in a comfortable and stress-free environment.”

According to a study at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, it was believed if a student was involved in 10 or more hours of counseling-related extracurricular activities per semester, they would likely be satisfied with their graduate school experience. While the results did not show involved students were dissatisfied with their graduate school experience, the results also did not prove involvement had a positive effect on satisfaction.

As well, according to a 1993 article by Alexander Astin, almost any type of student involvement in college positively affects student learning and development.

Specifically, a student’s peer group is the most important source of influence on a student’s academic and personal development. By identifying with a peer group, that group may influence a student’s affective and cognitive development as well as his or her behavior. So, Jamilette’s academic success and overall satisfaction in her years at Northern Essex had a great amount to do with the involvement she had in the school.

However, the 2020 online schooling brought a different experience to the Gen Z freshman, Manny Baez. He gave a greatly candid reflection on his first semester:

“I understand that this semester is different than how Northern Essex usually runs, so even though it’s not the freshman year I expected, I’m trying to make the best out of it as I know that the staff is as well. If there’s one thing that has really helped me this semester, it’s the guidance of some of the staff members and teachers.”

Amy Bintliff, a developmental psychologist and professor in the University of California, San Diego’s department of education studies, said in an article that mismatch between expectation and reality can be difficult for students. Part of that is because important milestones, like graduation, can’t happen the way they were envisioned. Traditional-age students may struggle uniquely with the loss of certain coming-of-age experiences. She’s noted lowered motivation among college students she’s surveyed, and a sense of alienation.

Alvarez gave a thoughtful piece of advice to all Northern Essex students for better enjoyment in their studies:

“I understand that these are completely different times but still I encourage the students to enjoy their years of college because usually people see their success as a destination but every stage and year in college is important and has something you can highlight as a positive experience. Someone who only sees success as the final destination will never be happy. Enjoy all that the semester involves.”

Jamilette Genao focused on educational and study tips that may help both grades and student mindset:

“Advice I would give to students besides staying organized and on top your assignments is to get out of the house and study in a new, distraction-free space. A coffee shop, a park, Barnes and Noble… For me being in a space dedicated just for my education let me focus and stay on top of all of my responsibilities. It helps with self-discipline. I’d also advise students that theyr’re not alone and to reach out to peers. Even though we can’t meet in person, it always helps to get help, a second opinion or just to talk to someone who can relate to you and is at the same place as you in life.”

When I approached Baez with this advice, he responded with great hope and reflection:

“For me, this semester has been a lot about getting used to the online classes and assignments, but as a goal for next semester, I would like make a relationship with one or more of my peers online.”

Even though remote learning is a difficult adjustment to make, as the Greater Boston school psychologist, Dana B Silverberg, said in an article that contains student psychology tips, “A positive attitude and a flexible mindset are key to make the online transition as smooth as possible.”

















A console-ation price

Last year’s big event for gaming ( E3 ) was spent really showing off the new gen systems and everything about them; from how they function to the new games that will be released for these consoles.

With all this, the next gen systems came out this year and they became increasingly harder to get than people initially thought. What with scalpers buying them off at bulks with their own money or bots and selling them for more than they are worth to get extra money off of the consumers just trying to get their hands on it.

With this there has been a high demand for the consoles even though Sony has a limited amount of the consoles within their own hands. I will be covering how it’s been as a consumer and have some of my friends give me their experience on how they feel about this.

The consoles came out roughly in the same time and for both when they came out met the same fate, scalpers buying off the consoles using means of their own money and bots if they needed to.

I asked my friend Michael “ with the new consoles it has been increasingly harder to get them, how do you feel about scalpers getting most of if not all the units to themselves?” when anything new comes out there always people around trying to make a quick buck out of it, this was something I knew and his response came out to be the same: “ Scalpers have always been a bit of a travesty, being able to book multiple systems, concert tickets, and the like for years selling it for profit.”

This is honestly true; people will buy things like concert tickets, shoes, and more no matter what it is and try to sell it for more money. Leaving the average consumer with nothing but the emotions they have during the moment.

Funny enough my other friend that is also named Michael let me get his response on the matter as well. The question I gave him was leaning more towards the preparation that was put into getting the consoles ready, mainly the ps5. My question was “ after everything going on with the consoles and them being sold out how do you think playstation companies could better prepare for the next time a new system comes around?”

With this you would think there was probably a better way they could prepare for the situation but sometimes you just have to work with what you get. That was why I was surprised by his response to the question, he replied with “ I think Playstation likely prepared well enough, there’s only so many they can make and have ready especially when pre orders are an option before they just start sitting there taking warehouse space. The demand is higher than their ability to currently make them but it will die down.”

I believe this to be true, at least now. Before I thought that there had to be a way to prepare better for the situation so that the average consumer could get a chance to get the console but for some like scalpers and bots it seems as though it is harder to prepare for than one would think.

With all this being said purchasing the games you want will be a task as well, now that games will cost $70 dollars now than the initial $60 we have been paying before.

Consumers will have to really make sure what game they want and be sure that it will be something they’d want to play.

This next question was based off of that and if at some point in the future we may end up reverting back to the original $60 price. My other friend called Michael responded with “ But games jumping another $10 i think is awful since they already cost so much. On top of that if you have the digital console? Forget it, that’s permanently 70 without a sale or several years waiting…” Honestly i agree with this; these new games coming to these new consoles should not be costing $70 at all.

While yes I understand big triple A titles will be getting pushed and they need the money for the rest of the amount they used on the game it will make it difficult for the average gamer to even pay for the games they want. Especially if they want a collectors edition or special edition.

Getting consoles in the first few days of it coming out has always been a hard task. Things like this are hard to come by and hard to prepare for, but i do believe this has taken a big toll for i think the worst for playstation.

People will make profit off of it and just do what they can with that. I feel as though if there were other ways to make it so that bots would have a harder time getting to buy ps5. The regular consumer will have a harder time obtaining one than those that have more money than that to be able to get it and I think that is a big issue.

Gaming is a big part of my life and I felt like this should be addressed as it is things that can hurt the industry and the companies further. With that being said I don’t think I’ll stop playing games at all. Hopefully things revolving around this find a way to get better and those that don’t have it have a better way of obtaining it.

Distant learning

March 2020 was a weird time; people’s lives were changing as they were sent to stay in their homes for a couple of months. Homes became offices and classrooms.

Students went from seeing their friends at school to seeing their friends behind a computer screen. Life was like this for some months then June rolled around, people started to live their normal lives socially distant.

Summer ended leaving one question in peoples’ head. What’s school going to look like this year? Schools had three options, full remote, hybrid model or full face to face classes with social distancing.

Schools across the country all made their own decisions with varying results.

Some colleges successfully brought kids back on campus, having them take online classes from their dorm. Some colleges that had face to face classes had to deal with students on campus partying without masks causing Covid spikes.

Our school NECC went fully remote from the beginning of the fall semester. NECC before the pandemic offered online courses so the transition, went smooth for the most part. I talked to some of the students on how they where holding up during this weird period in their lives.

When school was initially taken online some people were concerned that the students would not do well in an online environment.

When asked on if they have taken online classes before and how their transition went,  student Mirrorajah Metcalfe answered, “I did online course for my 8th grade of middle school and partially throughout high school, so the transition was personally not too difficult.”

Some people had easier transitions than others, when the student Niasly Gonzalez was asked they said, “I have never took classes online before the pandemic the transition was pretty difficult in the beginning and sometimes is now.”

The NECC campus is not just classrooms it is also home to a basketball court, a fitness center, game room and multiple lounge type areas for students to hang out and meet other students.

When asked what they miss about campus Metcalfe said “I miss being in a classroom with other students. I miss being able to raise my hand to ask the professor a question. I miss being able to walk around or go to the NECC library and study. I miss learning interactively.”

When the student Robert Smith was asked what he missed on campus he said, “The things that I miss most about campus are interacting with people face to face and the Student Center.”

A lot of schools this year have gone back with socially distant learning or making their kids take their classes online in their dorms.

One problem both colleges must face with having in person classes, is the rise of cases due to on campus partying and direct violations of Covid guidelines.

When asked if campuses should crack down on parties  Metcalfe had this to say, “I don’t think that college campuses should crack down on campus parties. College is where you are supposed to have the experiences of partying and adulting without the supervision and restrictions of parents. Face to face classes are already gone, campus parties can at least provide a sense of normalcy to the young adults entering this new world.”

When asked the same question Smith said “I absolutely believe that colleges should crack down on campus parties. These people who are choosing to willfully ignore the guidelines need to be punished and need to have the proverbial book thrown in their face. Whether that is by fine, no reimbursement for tuition, or something else doesn`t matter to me so long as they learn a lesson. I am sorry for throwing a rather strong opinion out there, but this is getting ridiculous and is not helping us in our efforts to defeat the virus.”

Because of the excessive partying on campuses across the country, some colleges have become a hot spot for Covid 19.

When asked if they were surprised that cases are rising at some colleges  Metcalfe had to say, “It is not surprising that cases have risen, the epidemic is something that can only be hopefully maintained but never entirely controlled until there is an effective vaccine.”

When asked the same question  Smith said “It is not surprising to me that that their cases have risen, and a big part of that has to do with what I mentioned above. Also, I was watching a college football game between Clemson and Notre Dame and you cannot convince me that they were not telling the virus where to go shove it with how they were acting.”

College is an exciting time in people’s lives.

College is most students first time they are away from their parents, and the first time they make their own decisions.

2020 is a weird year, it almost feels like its on pause. College kids want to go live their best lives as adults, but  as covid came it put their lives on hold. Hopefully in 2021 these kids who feel stuck in limbo will be able to resume as we come to a new normal.