Students weigh in on presidential transition

2020 has been a year full of unusual and important events, and the presidential election has been one of the many major events.

Joe Biden was victorious, but Donald Trump insists that the election was rigged and that he was the true winner, and tried filing for election fraud. Trump and his team are seemingly starting to concede the election and are officially starting the transition process, although still fighting the election behind closed doors as well.

Some people had differing viewpoints on him finally starting the transition.

Jonathan Jacobs,  a business major, says “it’s about time” that Trump starts the transition process and moves on. He said he’s happy that Biden and Harris won the election and thinks Trump should’ve started this transition earlier than he did.

Jacobs has some things to say when asked how he felt about the whole election process this year in general. “It’s understandable it took longer this year with the mail in votes, but some things felt mishandled” he stated “Some states like Nevada seemed like they took forever, while others were out the night of the election. And Trump trying to claim victory before the night was even over, knowing it would take longer, was just irresponsible.”

Jon Wade, a theatre major, says he understands Trump delaying the transition and trying to fight back, but also believes Trump somewhat brought it on himself with the election problems.

“It’s been a weird year so the election process is different. And I think it’s well documented many people really did not want Trump back in office again, so he’s not crazy to think fraud might’ve happened.” Wade stated. “ But he told all his voters to vote in person, and then tried to ‘stop the count’ when all the mail-in votes were received, pretty much implying the votes were BS. It’s clear to see what Trump was trying to pull, and it didn’t work.”

Maya Jensen, 19 and a Methuen resident, says she’s surprised that Trump is starting to concede the election and is willing to start the transition now.

“I’m surprised. I honestly thought he would fight longer and wait longer than he did. I know technically he’s still fighting, but it seems he’s almost giving up with starting the process.”

She stated. “I’m just glad this election process is seemingly coming to an end. It’s probably the most hectic election yet in the most hectic year.

This 2020 election overall has been very odd in one of the most stressful years in maybe humanity’s existence, and managed to separate the U.S. into two rivaling sides. With it being one of the most controversial elections ever, recounts were bound to happen no matter who lost.

Donald Trump’s team has started the  transition and Joe Biden will be the next  president of the U.S.

Some people are excited for the change, while others are unhappy. But everyone can agree that they just want the world to be in a great state no matter who’s in office.