Mass Transfer program may be students’ best financial option

Northern Essex Community College is one of the many community colleges in Massachusetts that is part of a lucrative program for students looking to receive their bachelor’s degree after attending community college. NECC works with state universities like the UMass schools, Salem State, and more to offer students a variety of majors and programs to transfer into using their credits from their time at NECC.

As a first-year student at NECC, I was curious to learn more about this program, also known as the Mass Transfer Pathway program. The blurb provided on NECC’s website home page provides the highlights of the program’s benefits, but I wanted to learn about its efficacy from a fellow student.

I spoke to NECC sophomore and Mass Transfer supporter Ian Miller to discuss his experience and get his advice surrounding the process of transferring.

“I originally heard about the program from my first advisor at NECC,” Miller explains. “It sounded perfect for me, because it would get me to where I want to go quickly and for nearly half the price.”

Miller said that there were really no downsides to following this pathway.

“As a Massachusetts resident, a lot of the application and other fees are waived. The benefits outweigh any inconvenience, honestly,” he said.

Miller, like many other transferring students, had nothing but positive things to say surrounding the program. He says he’s glad this program exists because it can help so many students achieve their goals at a cost that is much less intimidating – and far more attainable to many — than following the more traditional route.

When asked about his feelings toward the next semester, Miller said he is feeling prepared and hopeful.

“I think the classes I took at NECC really prepared me for what’s ahead. This decision was the best one I could’ve made in the long run.”

Miller plans on attending the University of Massachusetts Lowell with a major in occupational therapy.

He offers fellow students who are looking to transfer after receiving their associates degree from NECC one piece of advice: “ Definitely reach out to an adviser. The process can be kind of confusing on your own, but it is well worth the effort.

For more information on the Mass Transfer Pathways, visit Northern Essex Community College’s home page and click on the transfer option.