Innovation of Artificial Intelligence: AI in the past, present and future 

In October 2011, the most popular phone and computer designer company Apple, first released its own artificial intelligence which was introduced as a “humble personal assistant” named Siri.

This happened to be the “largest artificial intelligence project in U.S. history…” according to HuffPost.

Siri has evolved since its initial release and has offered users many advantages like help with accessibility and everyday tasks like setting a timer or alarm to wake up in the morning to your favorite song.

There has been a growth in competition since Apple first released Siri. Amazon introduced their AI competitor called Alexa in November 2014 to work with their Amazon Echo device. Alexa and the Amazon Echo marked the beginning of Amazon’s line of devices aimed at turning the homes of their owners into “smart homes”, with features like easy access to timers, weather forecasts, shopping online and many more.

Today most people used Alexa or Siri often.

Zachary Cutter, a liberal arts major, uses Alexa daily.

“I use Alexa to turn off my lights…” he says. This consists of first stating her name then saying the command you created. This can all be done in the Alexa app, and you can basically make her say or do things like play jeopardy or Simon says.

Will artificial intelligence continue to evolve?

With some hard-working coders and creative innovators, it is believed that more accessibility features can be seen in our near future as well as improved language detecting abilities.