Career Services wants to connect with students

NECC’s Career Services office is here to be a resource to students at all stages of their academic journey and career development, and to support recent alumni after graduation.

Many aspects of career development are helpful to start early and we encourage students to connect with us.

We have career exploration resources to help those who are undecided research and learn about different occupational areas and set career goals and plans.

We also have tools and support to help those who already know the path they want to go and are ready for their next steps.

Career development is a process best started early to maximize opportunities and includes:
• career exploration and identifying interests, values, and priorities
• researching companies, occupations, and industries
• understanding networking: what it is, how to do it, and why it’s so important
• preparing targeted job search tools such as resumes, cover letters, and online profiles
• utilizing LinkedIn
• developing and practicing interviewing skills
• job and internship search strategies
• using the Handshake platform
• and more!

We encourage students to use the many free resources offered by NECC, including Handshake.

It is the #1 way college students get hired and is a great tool to use long before you are job or internship searching to learn about companies, attend virtual events, understand different fields, and hear what employers are looking for. It’s also a great place to start networking, an area that is important to start early.

Another place to start networking is right here at NECC.

The faculty and staff here want to help you succeed and the students that you interact with in your Academic Center and your classes are the people who are going to be working in your field.

Building your network with these connections helps you stay in touch and maintain these valuable contacts and we are here to help with all of these things!

To meet with Career Services, schedule an appointment through Navigate or reach out at

Appointments are available on Zoom or in-person at either campus in the Career Services office or the Academic Centers.

Access Handshake at or through the link on the Career Services page of the NECC website  and log in with your NECC credentials.

Reach out any time if we can be of any assistance, we look forward to working with you!

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