Oh, what to do with time? Pandemic inspires new hobbies

When the world shut down in March of 2020, people were left with endless time on their hands. But what were people to do with all that time?

Two current and one former NECC students tell me the intriguing new hobbies the Covid quarantine gave them.

Karen Smith explains to me her most recent and now most favorite hobby she acquired, running.

She tells me, “Well, when Covid first started, I found myself being totally unproductive, lounging around all day and really finding no purpose to do much because of the dreary time.”
That all changed, though, when she purchased the Peloton Treadmill. Smith tells me that this fancy electronic treadmill with on-demand classes at her disposal changed her life.

“As soon as it was set up, I immediately took a class and felt the instant gratification and motivation to move my body, giving purpose to being stuck at home. I also loved it because it helped to make myself happier, it was like checking off a box on a to-do list, and I love that feeling.”

Smith’s COVID blues were cured by running; however, student Olivia Hansen found an affinity for crocheting to help pass the time.

As an avid Tiktok watcher, her inspiration hit when she saw a video of a girl crocheting a shirt.

“When I saw that, I was like, well I can do that!” and so she went to the store and picked up the materials she needed. She explained to me that crocheting was an expressive outlet that allowed her creativity to shine with what she chose to make. She fell in love with crocheting, from shorts to shirts and even dresses.

Fellow classmate Avery Hochheiser found herself diving nose deep into literature to keep her head above Covid’s water. With her former English teacher dad as her inspiration and guide, she began reading.

“I realized that reading was a form of escapism, and during COVID, I was desperately needing to escape the reality of the
current world situation.”

With that, she told me she finished approximately ten books each month and found herself feeling less dull and gloomy being stuck in the house. The endless time given to us by Covid allowed people to look inwards and find out what they enjoy doing with their time, thus the flourishing of hobbies such as running, crocheting, and reading.