Happy Thanks-Christmas?

Thanksgiving is getting crushed between popularity of Halloween and Christmas

With stores already stocked with the hottest presents and the best decorations for Christmas, one would swear Thanksgiving had already passed even before the holiday was celebrated last Thursday.   

Unfortunately, at the time of this being written, Thanksgiving was still yet to happen, but it seems like a lot of people have alreadymoved ahead to the next holiday. th the recent change of weather, even Mother Nature is trying to get the Christmas season faster than usual. It’s a shame that many people aren’t giving Thanksgiving the same amount of love that Halloween and Christmas get.

Of course, it’s still happening and no one has straight up abandoned the holiday, but it’s still sad to see such a nice and simple holiday get crushed between the popularity of Halloween and Christmas. However, as stated, Thanksgiving is still alive and people have their traditions and own perspectives on this American holiday. NECC Student, Norman Beraha, hasn’t noticed much of any “lack of attention” towards Thanksgiving.

It’s business as usual and nothing out of the ordinary in recent years.  However, Beraha has noticed something while working in the grocery store.  “(It’s) been packed for the past week,” he states.

With the changing seasons, people are to be expected to trek out into the world every so often and salvage anything they can for whatever they are in need of.  When asked about when an appropriate time to start celebrating Christmas would be, Beraha said “At least wait for Thanksgiving to be over before putting out the Christmas decorations.”            

Methuen resident, John Hayes, does see Thanksgiving as not getting enough attention.  “I certainly do feel Thanksgiving is not getting enough attention anymore”, says Hayes, “I see people on social media getting super excited about Halloween and the spooky stuff, then immediately jumping to Christmas hype.” Hayes has a tradition of simplicity, as he goes home every Thanksgiving to a usual turkey dinner with him and his parents.  He sees it as his favorite way and wouldn’t want it any other way.

“When I’m at school and away from home, I’m far more excited about coming home and having awesome food with my family,” Hayes said. When asked about when an appropriate time to start celebrating Christmas would be, Hayes had a surprising answer.  “I think maybe a week or two before Thanksgiving is a good start getting in the Christmas spirit, at least from a retail perspective,” Hayes said.

He says he is sick of seeing Christmas merchandise when Halloween is still in season, but did have a different answer for when he starts.  “In terms of actually celebrating, I like to wait until Thanksgiving is actually over,” Hayes said.For NECC student, Xavier Velez, Thanksgiving is getting “an appropriate amount of attention; especially since it is lumped in with ‘the holidays’ towards the end of the year.”

For Velez, his thanksgiving traditions are twice as exciting, as he experiences two Thanksgivings, as he has separated parents.  “One Thanksgiving is more traditionally celebrated with a Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc.” Velez said.  With the other parent, he celebrates a more “ethnically edited” Thanksgiving, being of Puerto Rican descent, with more Spanish cuisines on the table.  “However the way I celebrate them is the same way nonetheless”, adds Velez, “Eat until I can’t and then fall asleep on the couch.”

As for Thanksgiving’s need for attention, Velez says “I don’t feel the origin of the holiday is celebrated too much, but the idea of setting aside a day of rest, family and food is what we all cherish the day for.”

When asked when an appropriate time to start celebrating Christmas would be, Velez answered simply “A nice few days to a week after Thanksgiving, some appreciation and then we can switch.”

Velez then added that he unfortunately would be working a shift on Thanksgiving, but that if you care about your family, you should try and take the day off.  “You would be surprised how badly some of them want to see/visit you,” Velez said.