COVID-19’s effects on a health-care workplace

This March will mark one-year since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Millions of employees have had to worked remotely from home to socially distance to help prevent spreading the virus. As for health care workers, working remotely is not an option, so doctors, nurses and therapists needed to adapt to safer working conditions.

Registered nurse Bonnie Goifroy at Northeast Rehab explained “We tried making a Covid hall plus wearing masks, goggles and gowns at all times.”

Another Registered Nurse at Northeast Rehab Judy Pestka added “Upper management prohibited any visitators from entering the budling.”

While serving on the frontlines, health care providers run a high risk of getting sick by providing medical attention to COVID-19 positive patients.

A registered nurse at Northeast Rehab, Ursala Ferris, had a plan in place for this reason, “Me and my husband step in sanitizer before going inside the house, as for myself I have a designated area to clean my scrubs then I take a shower before anything else.”

Health-care workers have faced struggles adapting to these new precautions. “Wearing an N95 mask all day with my glasses on is very uncomfortable for me,” said Pestka.

Out of precaution visitors are prohibited from visiting, which is met with sadness from many patients.

“I have a lot of compassion for the COVID patients being alone and sick, so I try to cheer them up and make sure they are comfortable,” said Goifroy.