Letter to the editor: Cease-fire now!

Dear NECC Observer,

Time tripping.

Perhaps some of you will recognize the expression from “Slaughterhouse-Five” by Kurth Vonnegut. 

I’ve been time tripping ever since Hamas’ attack of October 7th:  it’s as if I’m back in the movement against the Vietnam war.  

Every bomb dropped by Israel explodes in my mind, with no end is in sight.  As an aging antiwar activist, I remember all too well the anger and despair at the more than 7.5 million tons of bombs dropped on Vietnam.  Those feelings have returned.

What makes it especially difficult now is that I feel complicit in Israel’s attack on Gaza.  My tax dollars, after all, pay for the bombs used by Israel in the Gaza Strip.  And because of the horrendous attack by Hamas on hundreds of civilians, Israel has garnered much sympathy in the U.S. Before rushing to join the pro-war crowd, however, we might want to ask ourselves a few questions.

• Is it possible to achieve the complete destruction of Hamas given the support of much of the Gaza population for resistance to Israeli occupation?   Could it not be argued that for each civilian killed, two more will take their place?

• Is it possible to understand the current situation without taking into account the context of the 1948 Nakba (catastrophe) in which Palestinians were driven off their land to make way for Israeli settlers?

• Is there a real moral difference between an intentional massacre on the one hand and, on the other hand, the technological massacre now raining down on Gaza, with 10,000 killed thus far and more to come?

• Is it necessary to factor in the danger of a wider war, with the possible use of weapons of mass destruction?  If, God forbid, Israel were to strike Iran, what would happen next? Does anyone know?

• Whatever happened to the idea of peace and negotiations?  Since unconditional surrender seems unlikely, the only viable alternative is some kind of compromise, though neither side seems particularly interested.

I submit that in the long run either a two-state solution or a binational state (as advocated by, among others, the famous philosopher Martin Buber) is preferable to the present configuration.  

And in the short run, a cease-fire is urgently necessary to stop the technological massacre now being perpetrated on residents of Gaza.  We should call on our representatives to support HR 786 for a cease-fire and de-escalation.  Let’s not forget the lessons of Vietnam!

— Prof. Stephen E. Slaner

Global Studies, NECC

The danger of Project 2025

In a potential second term, the twice impeached, 4 times indicted, sexual abusing fraud of a former President Donald Trump and his associates reportedly plan to use the federal government to target high-profile critics if he secures a second term.

 Trump wants the Department of Justice to investigate individuals who criticized his first administration, including former Chief of Staff John Kelly, former attorney General Bill Barr, former White House council Ty Cobb, and former Chief of Joint Staff General Mark Milley. Additionally, Trump’s allies are considering using the Insurrection Act and bypassing policies to block criminal prosecutions. These plans, known as “Project 2025,” have raised concerns about the implications of using the government for political vengeance. 

The ongoing threat to American democracy and the rule of law is posed by a plan to seize power and dismantle democratic institutions. This plan includes targeting political opponents and critics, taking control of the Justice Department, and deploying the military against demonstrations. It highlights the continued support for this plan from Trump’s base, Republican leadership, lawyers, and policy professionals, despite Trump’s criminal behavior and rejection of democratic principles. The text of project 2025 emphasizes the urgency of the situation and the need for voters to decide the future of American democracy in the upcoming elections. 

Project 2025 is a controversial initiative that has sparked widespread concern due to its potential erosion of democratic norms. The plans to use the federal government to target high-profile critics and individuals who criticized the Trump administration have raised serious questions about the abuse of power and the independence of the Justice Department. Moreover, the consideration of using the Insurrection Act and bypassing policies to block criminal prosecutions has further fueled fears about the implications of political vengeance within the government. 

Project 2025, led by the Heritage Foundation, has unveiled a manifesto titled “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise,” which espouses highly conservative and anti-LGBTQ+ views. The manifesto advocates for stringent measures against LGBTQ+ issues and individuals, including criminal penalties for pornography, outlawing pornography, and rescinding regulations prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. While the extreme implications of the manifesto may not be immediately enforceable, its influence could potentially shape the policies of a future Republican administration if elected, impacting the LGBTQ+ community significantly. 

Under Project 2025, if a media outlet has any negative news about the disgraced ex-president, Trump will have them investigated and will do what he can to shut it down. This mirrors what Dictator presidents like Vladimir Putin does in Russia, Kim Jung Un in North Korea, and Xi Jinping does in China, illuminating any public source that does not follow Trumps authoritarian agenda. 

In addition to targeting inividuals who criticized the Trump administration, Project 2025 also includes plans to investigate media outlets that are not aligned with Trump and to investigate and jail President Biden just because Trump is under investigation and Trump hates that Joe Biden has come out squeaky clean so far from the Republicans investigation. These alarming intentions have alarmed many observers, who argue that such actions would resemble a “banana republic” and go against the principles of a free press and the peaceful transition of power, which are fundamental to a functioning democracy.   

Under Project 2025, if a media outlet has any negative news about the disgraced ex-president, Trump will have them investigated and will do what he can to shut it down. This mirrors what Dictator presidents like Vladimir Putin does in Russia, Kim Jung Un in North Korea, and Xi Jinping does in China, illuminating any public source that does not follow Trumps authoritarian agenda. 

The potential use of Project 2025 to arrest people who Trump believes wronged him, such as General Mark Milley, John Kelly, Bill Barr, and others, has raised serious concerns about the abuse of presidential power and the erosion of democratic norms. The notion of using the federal government to settle personal scores and target political opponents has been widely criticized for its authoritarian undertones and potential damage to the institutions of democracy. 

Furthermore, the plan to investigate and jail President Biden represents a direct threat to the peaceful transfer of power and the functioning of American democracy. Such actions would set a dangerous precedent and undermine the democratic principles that form the foundation of the United States’ political system. The use of government institutions to pursue personal vendettas and undermine political opponents is antithetical to the values of democracy and the rule of law, which we know MAGA republicans really do not believe in democracy or the rule of law. 

 The urgency of this situation cannot be overstated. The fate of American democracy hangs in the balance, and the upcoming elections will play a crucial role in determining its future. The need for voters to decisively reject the erosion of democratic norms and the abuse of power cannot be overstated. The potential consequences of allowing Project 2025 to proceed unchecked are dire, and it is essential for the American public to stand up in defense of democratic values and the rule of law. 

The widespread concern and condemnation of Project 2025 reflect a deep-seated commitment to upholding democratic values and safeguarding the rights of all individuals. The initiative’s potential to erode democratic norms and target political opponents has sparked intense debate and ideological divisions within American politics.

 It is imperative for the American people to remain vigilant and actively defend the principles that form the bedrock of a free and democratic society. The stakes are high, and the outcome of this ongoing struggle will have far-reaching implications for the future of American democracy. 

Wait there’s more. The proposed job classification known as Schedule F aimed to increase the President’s control over the federal career civil service. However, it was widely criticized for potentially politicizing the bureaucracy and was ultimately repealed. The repeal of Schedule F underscores the importance of upholding democratic values and preserving the independence of government institutions. The initiative faced strong opposition due to concerns about its potential to undermine the merit-based civil service system and introduce partisan influence into the federal workforce. 

The controversial aspects of Project 2025, including its potential erosion of democratic norms and its use of government institutions to target political opponents, have raised serious concerns about the future of American democracy. The initiative’s stance on climate policy and its potential impact on future generations, combined with its transphobic and anti-LGBTQ+ aspects, have further fueled the intense debate surrounding its implications. The repeal of Schedule F serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding democratic values and safeguarding the rights of all individuals in the face of challenges to the institutions that underpin the United States’ democratic system. It is essential for the American public to remain vigilant and actively defend the principles of democracy, as the outcome of this ongoing struggle will have profound implications for the future of the nation.

MAGA hypocrisy on full display

In recent months, James Comer, a Kentucky Republican representative and Chairman of the Oversite Committee, has been vocal in his accusations of corruption against President Joe Biden. Comer repeatedly highlighted a $200,000 personal loan that Biden gave to his brother, James Biden, as evidence of shady business practices within the Biden family.  

However, a deeper investigation reveals a stunning display of hypocrisy on Comer’s part.  Reports have uncovered that Comer himself had made a similar $200,000 loan to his own brother, raising questions about his own questionable financial dealings.  

James Comer has consistently accused President Joe Biden of corruption, alleging that Biden profited from illicit international business dealings. Comer specifically homed in on two personal loan repayments made by James Biden to his brother, totaling $240,000. These transactions occurred in 2017 and 2018, when Joe Biden was neither in office nor a candidate for presidency. Despite the lack of evidence linking these loans to any nefarious activities, Comer has relentlessly attempted to paint them as proof of the president’s unethical conduct. 

While James Comer has been quick to condemn Joe Biden for the loans to his brother, it has come to light that Comer himself engaged in similar financial transactions with his own brother. A closer examination of Kentucky property records reveals a series of land swaps between Comer and his brother related to their family farming business. These exchanges involved a loan of $200,000, highlighting the glaring hypocrisy of Comer’s accusations against Biden. 

According to the Daily Beast, Comer and his brother were involved in land swaps and questionable business practices. In one instance, Chad Comer bought out James Comer’s half of an inherited Kentucky property for $100,000. However, just five months later, James and his wife, Tamara “TJ” Comer, purchased the property back from Chad for $218,000. This buyout resulted in Chad Comer receiving an unexplained additional $18,000 above the property’s total value. 

In another transaction, James Comer gifted his brother his share of two inherited pieces of land, with a value of $175,000. Astonishingly, the cost of this transaction was only $1. Subsequently, Chad Comer applied for a significant tax break on the gifted land and then gifted James Comer a more valuable piece of land in return. These convoluted exchanges raise serious questions about the ethical nature of Comer’s financial dealings. 

James Comer’s hypocrisy becomes even more apparent when considering his political positions and conflicts of interest. Prior to his election to Congress in 2016, Comer served as a member of Kentucky’s state legislature Agriculture Committee for eight years. He then went on to become the Kentucky agriculture commissioner. Once in Congress, Comer was a member of the House Agriculture Committee and even negotiated the Farm Bill, which increased federal support for American farmers. 

During this time, Comer was actively engaged in the agricultural industry, while also managing his family farming business. The overlap between his political roles and his private business raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest and whether he used his positions to benefit his own financial endeavors. It is evident that Comer’s actions contradict the principles he claims to uphold. 

Scrutiny of James Comer’s business activities reveals a series of puzzling discrepancies. The Daily Beast discovered that Comer allegedly runs multiple businesses that do not appear to exist on paper. For instance, the company he co-owned with his father and brother, Comer Land & Cattle, has no business filings under that name in Kentucky. Similarly, his personal agriculture company, James Comer Jr. Farms, cannot be found in official records. 

Notably, when Comer purchased land from his brother, the transaction involved a shell company named Farm Team Properties, LLC, owned by Comer and his wife. The existence of these mysterious entities and the lack of official documentation raise concerns about the transparency and legitimacy of Comer’s business practices. 

Given the revelations surrounding James Comer’s own financial dealings, his accusations against Joe Biden appear hollow and hypocritical. While Comer has relentlessly attacked Biden for the $200,000 loan to his brother, he conveniently ignores his own involvement in similar transactions. It is clear that Comer’s actions do not align with the standards he seeks to impose on others.

Unsurprisingly, Democrats were quick to highlight Comer’s hypocrisy and call for his own investigation. Congressman Jared Moskowitz humorously recreated Comer’s video of signing subpoenas, highlighting the absurdity of the situation. Congressman Eric Swalwell went a step further, urging Comer to subpoena himself and referring to the loan as “highly suspicious.” The exposure of Comer’s double standards has brought into question his credibility and integrity as a lawmaker. 

It is essential to note that the Republican-led investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings has been ongoing for over 10 months. Despite their efforts, they have failed at every turn to produce any concrete evidence directly implicating Joe Biden in any wrongdoing. News organizations, including CNN, 

The Wall Street Journal, FactCheck.org, and the conservative-leaning Washington Examiner, have debunked the allegations made by Republicans.  In response to the subpoenas issued by James Comer and other House Republicans, the White House accused them of abusing their power to conduct a partisan smear campaign. 

They emphasized that extreme House Republicans should focus on their responsibilities instead of pursuing baseless attacks on the president and his family. This response highlights the frustration felt by the Biden administration over the relentless and unfounded scrutiny they have faced.  The exposure of James Comer’s hypocrisy regarding the $200,000 loan to his brother has cast doubt on the legitimacy of his accusations against Joe Biden. Comer’s involvement in similar financial transactions and questionable business practices undermines his credibility as a lawmaker. The stark double standards exhibited by Comer reveal a disconcerting lack of integrity. It is imperative that politicians be held accountable for their actions, and Comer’s actions warrant further scrutiny.