Holiday cheer or end of semester fear?

The month of Dec. is known as the month of holiday cheer and festivities but this may not be the case for some college students. It is crunch time at Northern Essex Community
College as the Fall 2023 semester is coming to an end.

Finals week has begun, which means students may have already received their finals assignment and test due dates.

“I’m leaving on vacation on Dec.1st to the Dominican Republic so I do feel the pressure to finish early,” said Pedro Rentas, a student at NECC.

Students like Pedro who may also be traveling weeks before the end of the semester might be feeling the same pressure to complete all their work before going on vacation.

Studies say the increase in stress levels is caused by lack of time management and lack of sleep from all nighters spent studying.

“I’ve been stressed since the semester started but now thinking about all the work I need to complete is very stressful for me,” said Pedro Rentas. During finals week students are expected to produce information and exhibit results, not just receive lectures and attain them. In some classes finals are a huge percentage of the overall grade calculation which in turn can either make or break the students overall grade.

“I feel every student should have the option to take their finals in person or online regardless of the class being an online class or in person class. I feel people test very differently and there is a lot of pressure on the in person testing and the time limit so studentsshould have that option because this may help with students not being stressed,” said Jennifer Tejada, a student at NECC.

The student health services in Georgetown University states “while each person responds to stress differently, it does have a physical and emotional and
psychological impact on everyone especially during finals week.”

“I don’t like the fact that we have to take finals during the holiday season. It’s a lot of pressure but I personally do not let it get to me. My advice for other students is to study and go into a mindset to lower their stress whatever that would be. For me that is playing worship music and praying,” said Tejada.

Top tips on google search suggest tips for college students on how to do well during finals and that is rest, avoid the urge to procrastinate, and find a space that is conducive to studying