Observer Department: Home Page News Bytes
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Students share lessons from past year
With everything that’s been going on in the world I feel like most of us can agree that we have to do better at being compassionate to one another and to do better at making the world a better plac. For this last story I want to say congratulations graduates!…
Spring semester comes to an end
The spring semester is nearing it's end, and finals are just on the horizon. Students give their opinions on how the semester went and their experience. Sarah Sanford who is studying English at NECC says that the semester went by really quickly. She says, "I would rate it an eight…
What is NECC watching: Spring 2021 edition
During the pandemic, everyone’s schedule is different, but there are some of us who now have more free time than ever before, which can lead to being able to enjoy more TV shows and movies! David Rattigan has been watching Supernatural on Netflix with his daughter. The NECC professor also…
How COVID-19 affects schooling
The COVID-19 pandemic has swept its way through the country, leaving its mark on the way. One way the pandemic has drastically changed the norm in the country is the way schools have operated in 2020 and 2021. The common eight-hour school day five days a week has for the…
Center for Liberal Arts offfers advising resources
As the spring semester comes to an end advising season begins, which gives students only a short time to complete their assignments and seek advising assistance so that they can enroll into the classes that are needed for their majors. Fortunately, the Center for Liberal Arts at Northern Essex Community…
Free Farmers Market fills a need
The free Farmers Market at Northern Essex Community is open to all students, staff, and faculty at both the Lawrence and Haverhill campuses. The market provides up to 25 pounds of fresh produce to anyone a part of the Northern Essex community. It is located at the Spurk “C” Building…
NECC golf team prepares for nationals
Due to COVID restrictions this past year, the golf program has not been able to get their season going. There were a lot of question marks in early March and they weren't even sure if playing matches this year was going to be possible. The NECC Golf roster is small…
Learning with Zoom
Since the start of pandemic, we have all been trying to gather ourselves and figure out what our new “normal” is. As far as educational purposes go, schools and universities had to think of a way for their students to continue their education virtually. This is when the software Zoom…
Opinion: The complexity of higher education
I’ve seen the idea recently floating around that colleges should be free. On the surface that seem like a great idea, but if you look deeper, does everyone deserve to go to college? I will not lie college is expensive with everything from textbooks that cost hundreds of dollars to…
A reflection on the GTAV roleplaying community throughout the pandemic
The Grand Theft Auto: V roleplay community, shorthand GTA RPC, felt loss, heartbreak and sorrow in 2020, with the loss of some of its most prevalent, founding members.such as Kenny "Blue622" Tencredi, who took his own life in July of last year, following the death of Byron "Reckful" Bernstein. One of…