Observer Department: Slider

When COVID-19 hits home

COVID-19 continues to tear through the world, through the United States, and through Massachusetts. It continues to reach and affect people throughout the Haverhill community, and in other surrounding communities. And since the pandemic first reached this area, it has hit home for numerous college and high school students, like…

Students reflect on loss of on campus experience

Not much has changed since March of 2020. NECC students remain inside, learning through the screens of their laptops. The only thing that is different is the question of what could have been. Claudia Sanchez, 21, an elementary education major, shares her reaction to the news of online learning. “I…

Staving off cabin fever in the time of COVID

In a world on pause, what is one to do? Americans are resorting to an assortment of various activities to stave off cabin fever during the outbreak of COVID-19. Have people been able to stay productive, healthy, and happy during the quarantine? Can people have benefited from the pandemic, whether…

Opening my eyes: A student’s experience in quarantine

Being required to stay under quarantine has opened my eyes as to everything I took for granted outside of my house. Typically, I strain myself by playing PC games late at night, with friends, until the early morning and then sleep through the day. The concept of day and night…

Tips for coping with anxiety

These troubling times have taken a toll on our mental health. Being forced to be home hasn’t been easy for anybody, but it is exceptionally hard for those with disorders. It feels like things aren’t ever going to clear up but trust me, somewhere down the line there will be better…

Time for creativity

This is an interesting time for creatives, and I would know because I am a photographer, writer, and a graphic designer. As a student and a big sister to 3 girls, times have been tough, and my family and I have had to adjust. Everyday for the past 4 weeks,…

A day in quarantine: A high school student shares her story

 Have you ever watched one of those movies or films where the characters’ day keeps restarting or repeating each time they wake up? Sort of like a time loop. Well that is exactly the way my life has been lately.  I chose the title “A Day in Quarantine” for this…

The pandemic life: Coping with COVID-19

 So, we’ve been in quarantine for almost two months now. Everything in the world has changed.You’re only allowed to go out for essential items and activities. People are wearing protective gear and constantly washing or sanitizing everything.Staying six feet part is what we call social distancing now. Mattie Smith of…

Tips on coping with the anxiety and stress of these times

With the coronavirus putting us into another month of quarantine It can be really hard on everyone mentally and physically. It’s really hard to be stuck inside all day, every day but the sooner everyone does their part and stays inside the faster life will be back to normal.  Here…

Corona-cation: A high school student reflects on quarantine

A day in the life of a 16-year-old in Quarantine. Each day starts off with the grating voice of my mother asking me if I am going to sleep the day away. I peel open my tired eyes to see the room fully lit with the rays of the radiant…