Terry has been a student at NECC since spring of 2012 where she studies Liberal Arts with concentrations in biology, psychology, and philosophy. Terry currently is a math tutor in the math center, a work study student for the math department, a presidential student ambassador, a student senator where she is the Executive Program Chair of Haverhill, Vice President of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, a student representative on the finance committee and Terry was an embedded tutor for developmental math courses in the fall of 2013 and will be returning to that role in the fall of 2014.
“I plan on being the voice of the student body. I also plan on presenting issues, concerns of the students to the board as well as respond back to students once I receive answers. I will be accountable for what my title entails and will represent the student body as a whole,” said, Terry.
Many students voted for Terry because of what she has accomplished on campus. “Her commitment to the students and being the voice of the students is taken seriously and she does not fear anyone, she makes sure her voice is heard. When she does stuff she is committed to the end,” said Josephine Sebagaisha, a biology major.
Terry has demonstrated determination to find out the truth, said Jasmine Chazulle, a Liberal Arts major. “She is also does a lot and is very active,” Chazulle said.
Terry has proven time after time of her dedication to NECC and the students who know here are noticing. Students at NECC have had nothing but great things to say about Kelsey Terry when they heard she was going to be the Student Board of Trustee member.
“Kelsey Terry is one of the most hardworking, dedicated, honest people I have ever known. She is a true asset to the Northern Essex Community and I have absolute confidence in her ability to fulfill the trustee position with integrity,” said Crystal Pringle, a physical science major.
Students are also noticing how she takes on student issues. Terry tackles issues that most students are not even aware of being in existence..
“I see that her attention is directed towards a number of student issues at the college, many of which haven’t even registered on people’s radar. She is an earnest problem solver who doesn’t take the efforts of students and faculty for granted, is never complacent, nor is she indifferent to change,” said Brandon Fitton, an engineering science student.
Donna Passemato, a liberal arts student, has been a fan of Terry since the moment she met her a year ago in the Spurk building lobby during a fundraiser. She was amused by Terry’s humor. Passemato remembers the first thing that Terry said to her when they first met, “Centimeter of plasma refers to what, and how do you measure the depth of blood exposed to the elements?” Passemato answered back with, “Hi, I’m Donna Passemato. Nice to meet you.”
“She will add her talents, and dedication to a multiplicity of pursuits-intellectually, mathematically, and steadfast,” wrote Passemato in an e-mail.
According to Massachusettes law Chapter 15A Public Education Section 21 Board of Trustees for section 5 institutions; membership; qualifications; tenure; vacancies, it is stated that, “There shall be a board of trustees consisting of 11 members. One member of such board of trustees shall be a full-time undergraduate student member from said institution and ten members shall be appointed by the governor.”
“I understand the numbers, concerns, and I am here to represent you, the student body. I am a dedicated student that prioritizes everything I do,” said Terry. “I will use my skills and experience to make sure I, the Student Trustee, representing the student body is heard. Being a student trustee means making decisions which impact the lives of people. I will be making a difference to my school as well as local community.”