Students speak about their first finals week
This year, Northern Essex has made an effort to engage its students and find helpful and accessible ways for them to study. Advertisements for the “Late Knight Study Session” were posted all over campus as well as advertised by professors and emailed to students. Not only does this provide a space for students to go study but it will motivate them to do so as well. Many students do take it upon themselves in committing their time to study. However for freshmen, this task is a little more difficult and affects them in different ways than second year students as they’re still figuring out how to manage time. Freshman Jaylin Torres is a 19 year old human resources major and shared her experiences of her first “finals week.”
She says, “Finals week is going okay considering it is my first year. I wasn’t expecting it to be this stressful but I have been preparing myself little by little.” Torres said she was aware of the study session hosted by NECC, and has seen it posted almost everywhere. Unfortunately she is unable to attend this time around but said, “I will take advantage and try to go someday.” Torres also explained that she usually studies at home because it is convenient but admitted that, “the library is better because I get less distracted.” Evanna Antypas 18, is a Graphic Design major and kindly shared her experience as a freshman.
She says, “it’s a little frustrating with all the work that is cramped up for this week, especially for an art major because most of them are projects that take longer than a week to finish.” The anticipation of this week is just as Antypas expected saying, “I’ve been preparing myself by clocking in more time at the library and doing more at home.” Antypas wasn’t aware of the study session but expressed interest in showing up to finish projects, considering she’s been spending a lot of her time at the library completing things that she can’t at home.Freshman Alexis Deleon 18, a business major, says, “I’m not as nervous for finals as I thought I’d be.” Deleon is currently enrolled in two classes and says that she doesn’t have to dedicate as much preparation time as others.
She admitted that her busy schedule would restrict her from attending a study session and that she usually studies at home.Samuel Karagiorgos 18, a Business Transfer major, explains that his first finals week is “pretty light” and is less than he expected “due to less time in class.” Karagiorgos is preparing for finals by reviewing and rereading chapters and completing all his work. He mentioned that he was aware of the study session but isn’t able to attend this semester, and that he schedules times to study at home. “In the future I would consider taking the opportunity for the study sessions.”