On the evening of Thursday, December 16th, I saw the latest theatrical installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, “Spider-Man: No Way Home.” This third MCU Spider-Man movie picks up practically immediately after the events of the previous movie (Spider-Man: Far from Home), when it is revealed to the entire world that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Between exploring the possibilities of the multiverse, and examining what it truly means to be Peter Parker (Tom Holland), viewers will for sure enjoy this movie whether they’re a hardcore Spider-Man fan, or completely new to the character. Nonetheless, this is for sure rewarding to the strong fanbase that this character has gathered over the years, as fans of previous cinematic iterations of the character will enjoy the classic villains from the trailers for “No Way Home” who are in the movie.
As with not all super hero movies, the artistic nature of No Way Home is so moving. There were scenes that hit me in the feels in indescribable ways, and that can be meaningful when looking through a lens that considers how certain super hero themes can be applied to the real world. There’s lots of emotional turmoil, as well as happy moments.
Without spoiling, I will say that, seeing “No Way Home” on opening night was a very high-energy event. There were moments when the entire audience cheered. It may not be the same if you see it in theatres after the time of publishing this review, but that can still give you an idea of how exiting some of these moments are for certain fans.
Overall, I loved “Spider-Man: No Way Home.” It served as a fantastic start of a new chapter for Peter Parker, and I hope the film is well received for Marvel fans, and movie-goers alike!