Last season NECC Soccer had a rough year. They are looking to bounce back this upcoming season and hopefully winning the ultimate goal which is winning a Region 21 championship.
They are working really hard over the summer to prepare for this upcoming season and looking for a different result than last year and to turn the page.
NECC soccer head coach is Coach Eusebio Morate, Morate told me some of the improvements that they did for this upcoming season.
“… What we did was we recruited hard we went to a lot of high school games local schools like Methuen, Haverhill, Lowell, Winter tech and stuff like that,.” “We got some new recruits this year, I think we have nine new returners and about 10 to 11 recruits so this year we should have more depth in the bench that will help us, guys will get tired well have some good sub in the bench to keep the game level high…” he said.

I asked coach Morate a hard question I ask him which returner that was on the team last year that is in the team this year that he is most impressed by?
“It’s a hard one I believe all the guys that came back last year and worked hard this summer… a couple in particular Zack [Mohaba] and Javier [Bushell], two guys that are leaders on the team they been running captain throughout the summer always communicating with me and see how the guys are doing so I think they will be impactful players for us this year,” he said.
Samuel De Amorim of North Andover got recruited by Coach Marote and his coaching staff. De Amorim got recruited during a soccer game that he played against Dracut he also had offer to play for Quincy University.
“ I chose NECC [be]cause I like how coach talk to me I like how he came up to me and showed me everything here and that’s pretty much it” De Amorim said.
Zak Mahaba of Boxford it’s know playing in his second year for the Knights “Me personally I just been non stop grinding during the off-season in the gym in the field…” he said. Also Mahaba said that he has faith on the team.
Education it’s a big issue if you don’t have your grades up you can’t play sports. So, I ask Mohaba how he is able to stay on track with his school work while playing soccer ?
“For me personally I usually have my classes in the mornings from the morning until practice I’m in the library eating lunch and doing my school work until practice” Mohaba said. Mohaba he currently majoring in computer engineer.