Bittersweet experience at NECC

When I decided to start my academic journey, I did it thinking that at this point of my life, being 45 years old, I was not looking for the certificate itself. I was looking for the knowledge and the wisdom that professional educators could share with me. By far, I have been pleased with NECC faculty and staff, who have been always keen to help me on this journey.

Never tireless to correct me and make suggestions to improve and challenge me to give my fullest potential, I have no more than words of appreciation for every professional I have related to.

Beyond the top-notch professors in NECC, I have found different programs that helped me to focus on my studies by minimizing other concerns of daily life. The free mobile market has helped me to balance household expenses, and even pushed me to learn how to cook seasonal produce.

Having a toddler bouncing around my house makes me stay in the library late, very late. Once, my peer and I spent long hours studying and we were asked to leave the library on the Haverhill campus as they had to close. The security officer told us to go to the SC building and that is how we discovered the free SMART meals, ready-to-eat frozen meals which we heated in the microwave and filled us to keep studying. We touched glory when we left with high scores in our Statistic test, and with full stomachs.

Later, I learned about the food pantry, besides having instant noodle cups, there were food and hygiene products for students to shop for free. Filling the questionnaire for this service, I also checked the box
for clothing assistance. Somewhat embarrassed, I answered “yes” to Janel D’Agata-Lynch when she called me and asked me for my name and if I needed clothing assistance. Immediately, she kindly and discretely gave me directions to pick up a voucher to get clothes in a secondhand store.

One more thing I feel thankful for is the little baskets with feminine products. Once I had a “red emergency.” There are vending machines for pads and tampons in women bathrooms but who carries a 25 cent coin these days? Pay-by-phone or at least by credit card would be more effective. I had a $10 bill to change but the cafeteria was closed. By the way, the cafeteria opened two weeks after classes started! I asked a few students, but no one had a quarter to donate.

Feeling desperate, someone told me that at the end of the corridor, there was a basket with feminine products and that saved my day. By the next week, all bathrooms had the little basket. By the way, I learned that some female students do not buy feminine products anymore because they save money getting it from school.

As I was progressing with my studies, my classes were getting more demanding. I decided to pause my entrepreneurship to invest my time on studies but that affected me economically.

I do not qualify for FAFSA, so I must manage different ways every semester to keep pursuing my academic dream.
Before I started this current semester, I was concerned about how I would continue studying, but luckily, I learned about the Civic Engagement paid-internship course COP that professor D’Agata-Lynch was teaching. This course included paying $20 per hour (up to $3,000) to students who will work as interns for a non-profit or government organization, and one Civic Engagement class per week. I cannot be more thankful for this opportunity, not only for helping me to pay for my studies this semester, but also, learning by working in a government institution.

So, learning that D’Agata-Lynch, the author of these and other student assistance programs, like registering to vote or housing assistance, will no longer be here at NECC, it’s like the ice-bucket challenge but with no rewards. I am aware that she has worked hard through the years to make every student program run.

She has been recognized for her leadership as well as commitment to students and the community in various opportunities inside and outside the institution.

While professors and students rely on her as the key contact in NECC for food or housing insecurities, the NECC President Lane Glenn raised up a Crisis Resources card with a list of public organization phone numbers, which by the way includes D’Agata-Lynch’s phone number, in front of the board of trustees, and the audience waiting for his take on this situation. This was too bitter to pass.

I asked myself, is this what a professional who gives so much to her or his position gets at the end?
What is the message for her colleagues? What about invaluable professionals, like Dagaata-Lynch, who work passionately giving their best to students? What is the example we, the students, are receiving from this administration?

As the student Maria Cubias said, “It affects all of us who benefit from NECC’s opportunities. I would say it would affect 80% of students who attend school every day.”

I went to the meeting and was told that it is the position that is being retrenched, not the program. That would be very good for the program to continue and to grow but we still need someone to run the program and I do not understand why take the position away from someone who put in long years of work for the program to be successful,” said student Joanne Callahan.

Also, a student of the Civic Engagement paid-internship course, Irwin Mburu, shared his discomfort about the retrenchment.

“I don’t know 100% all the details of the situation, but from what I hear I don’t really like any of it. I don’t see the positives of it or for NECC. I think it’s not a good thing. Janel has been pretty valuable and helpful in her time at NECC as a teacher, advisor, and community leader and is always helping and engaging with the community. Her position is important in helping guide students as they grow and get into their careers as well as help them engage with the community around us. She’s also been great in the internship program, and her along with the internship has helped a lot. She’s been great at NECC and retrenching her is a big mistake in my eyes for NECC,” stated Mburu.

What is it what really matters? Does the voice of the students to NECC?

Over 200 students signed a petition to reconsider the retrenchment, according to Sarah Pachano, student trustee. I did not sign as I did not know about it. However, I join my peers and respectfully ask the administration to please reconsider this decision.

I hope this bittersweet taste can be dissolved by looking for ways to utilize D’Agata-Lynch expertise and experience throughout her years of service into developing and enhancing all her initiatives.

I want to keep seeing NECC as a great institution who listens to their students and works on their behalf.

Students and faculty opposed to removal of student resources coordinator position

Faculty and students hold signs at a Board of Trustees meeting.
Faculty and students hold signs at the April 12 Board of Trustees meeting against the proposed retrenchment of the Civic Engagement, Service-Learning, and Community Resources Coordinator position. From left to right, student Zeke Vasquez, Philosophy professor and chair of Global Studies Department, Meredith Gunning, Vice-President of Student Government Association, Elijah Antunes, and student Yormerly Rodriguez. Photo by Campus Life Editor Daniela Valdivia-Terres

College administrators have proposed eliminating the position of Civic Engagement, Service-Learning, and Community Resources Coordinator.

Since 2015, working on developing plans for increasing student civic engagement, creating alliances with organizations to help students experiencing food, clothing and housing insecurity, advocating for paid-internship student programs, adjunct professor and licensed social worker Janel D’Agata-Lynch has been the civic Engagement, Service-Learning, and Community Resources Coordinator, but her position could be terminated on May 12.

Retrenchment describes a situation in which someone loses their job because their employer does not need them, according to Collins Dictionary. This is D’Agata-Lynch’s current situation. Many students, faculty and staff are concerned with this decision by the administration and are looking for solutions.

According to the agreement between MCCC and the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education, once a position is retrenched, that position cannot be reinstated for the next four years. So, the essential work cannot get done.
Students and faculty called for fairness in the last board of trustees meeting

On April 12, during the last meeting of the board of trustees at El Hefni on the Lawrence campus, staff members, faculty and students were sitting and standing in the room, waiting for Sarah Pachano’s speech at the end of the meeting. One hour later, Pachano, student trustee, Student Government Association SGA president, and recently appointed Civic Newman fellow, spoke out.

“I am here today to express my grave concern about the recent decision taken by the President to retrench the Civic Engagement, Service-Learning, and Community Resources Coordinator position at our community college,” Pachano said.

“Students face numerous challenges, including financial difficulties, food insecurity, and housing insecurity, which can significantly impact their academic performance. I believe these students are best served through the Basic Needs Security Program by a dedicated staff person. Janel D’Agata-Lynch has personified the idea of serving-ness in the work that she has done; on behalf of the students at the college, I call upon the President to reverse his action,” stated Pachano.

“It’s not the same to have a number to contact someone instead of having someone (in-house) who cares for you, to help you, to tell you ‘it’s OK.’ Especially for the Hispanic students because we are taught at very young age that we cannot ask for help. We do need someone there to say, ‘It’s OK to ask for help’ someone who cares for us,” ended Pachano.
Professor of philosophy, Meredith Gunning together with Elijah Antunes, vice-president of SGA, the Student Government Association, among other students were holding signs against the retrenchment of D’Agata-Lynch’s position.
“No Civic Engagement equals No food, no housing, no voting,” was written in red on one sign. Another sign read, “Does removing our social worker support our strategic plan?” next to the photo of the cover of “Success for All – NECC Strategic Plan 2022-2027.”

After loud applause for Pachano from the audience, NECC President Lane Glenn answered: “No services for students will be missing whatsoever… In fact, all services will be extended. You have in front of you a card,” he showed a kind of a business card.

“It’s a Crisis Resource card, for all the emphasis in all the resources. Much like the subtitle of this book,” he showed a book, “is a team sport, the kind of services we provide students that trustee Pachano has being describing has always been a team sport. They never had been the job of one person. It’s always been a number of people would respond to these things and will continue…”

The Crisis Resource card introduced by the NECC president includes a large array of general emergency phone numbers from different organizations. For instance, from Lahey Psychiatric Crisis Team, YWCA Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence, Veterans Crisis Line, among others. It does also include NECC Community Resource contact, which is Janel D’Agata-Lynch’s office phone number.

People from the audience wanted to ask questions but the NECC president deterred them by explaining that any participation from the public requires 24 hours’ notice. He closed the meeting and he and the board members left.

The board of trustees attending in person were Chair Jennifer Borislow, Vice-Chair Marianne Paley Nadel, Jouel Gomez, Glennys Sanchez and Evan Silverio. Other board members attended on zoom. None of the board members responded to Pachano’s speech or the people with signs against the retrenchment that were standing in front of them.

Comments in the hallways by professors and students

“I’m very disappointed as a student, especially from the Lawrence campus, with other students who come from lower income backgrounds like me… By helping students not just with the food pantry but helping them sign up to vote, helping them with housing, her (D’Agata-Lynch) work has gone above and beyond. The fact that her position is being retrenched with little to no explanation. Students are questioning. As the student (SGA) vice-president, it’s my responsibility to tell them this is unfair,” Elijah Antunes said.

“Janel has helped over 22,000 students. What’s going to make more of an impact? A card that no one has ever heard about or a licensed social worker who actually can provide the resources or know where to go. Which number will they call? Well, I’m sure the president might say ‘I don’t know, figure it out, there’s the card.’ It’s not OK that their plan is absent for such an important role,” Antunes said.

Pachano said about the NECC president’s reply: “He decided to ignore the students’ request. He is gaslighting the students into believing that we are going to keep the same resources, the same type of care that Janel (D’Agata-Lynch) offers but what they are doing is reorganizing what she does, and putting a lot of jobs to more people who does not need to do that and that’s going to be detrimental to students.”

Faculty answered questions from an Observer editor on the spot, showing their support to their colleague D’Agata-Lynch and their disapproval of the proposed retrenchment.

“The position of the individual who has direct contact with students who actually meets with them, sits down and understands what their issues are. It’s not just getting students to go to one place or another, it’s truly understanding what is happening and being able to not just connect but provide the answers that they need. That position is extremely important so we could have partners around the community that help students, but that individual is the lifeline of everything. Our students need that point of contact. So that is the position. It’s an incredible position for students,” said marketing and entrepreneurship professor and Chair of the Business Department, Sheila Muller.

“When you think of all the pantries, all the other things that are around the campus, it was created because individuals listened to the students’ needs. Positions were available, positions were made, created and resources were created as a result. It’s a collaboration across the campus, between the SGA and the community services. All these individuals came together to provide us with what we have right now and advocated for more resources. So, now saying ‘thank you very much but we no longer need this position’ is a big hard pill to swallow for a lot of people. So, retrenching the position is actually a bigger problem for a lot of us than saying that these resources are going to be elsewhere,” stated Muller.

Faculty are looking for answers and want an action plan on behalf of students.

“I wish there would be more transparency. If they are claiming they are expanding services, I would like to hear more of a concrete plan because I’m hearing fake things about an expansion but not who is going to take the place or doing this work. I used to be a faculty member for the outreach group, I could say as a faculty member here for a long time, just to send students to Janel (D’Agata-Lynch) directly made a big difference instead of saying ‘call this numbers on this hot line.’ Students may be scared and may not call whereas if they meet one on one with a social worker, I think that makes a difference. Janel is a trained social worker and I think trying to deviate these tasks to already frequently overworked staff and faculty, I don’t think is a wise idea… What is the possible plan or helping students to receive those services?” said professor of Philosophy and Chair of Global Studies Department, Meredith Gunning.

Vice-President outlined an explanation

Noemi Custodia-Lora, vice-president of Lawrence campus and community relations, aid about Pachano’s speech that “it’s so important that students get actively involved in social justice issues and create awareness of the needs of students.”
Questioned about the possible retrenchment, Custodia-Lora said while she could not comment on the details of the retrenchment of the position, she could mention what they were intending to provide in the future.
“We are not retrenching services. This is something that I want to make clear to everybody. When we created the Center for Equity and Social Justice back in 2019, part of the job of that is to figure out how we can collaborate with community partners to better serve our students, because with the limited budget that we have, with the expertise what we have, we may provide a limited amount of services to students,” Custodia-Lora said.

Custodia-Lora said they are working with a couple of large nonprofit organizations that are experts in providing support services to students, and students would have an external relationship with them. Students may be able to receive assistance and use resources after they leave NECC, she said.

“We’re excited about the new projects that would be coming out of this, and some of that will include having more targeted services to students. Especially those that do not have transportation and we might have to deliver meals at home for example, which is something that is not happening in life right now,” she said.

When questioned if instead of having one contact person in-house, D’Agata-Lynch, who is the Civic Engagement, Service-Learning, and Community Resources Coordinator, they would outsource those services, Custodia-Lora answered:

“It’s not about hiring an organization because it would defeat the purpose of restructuring. It’s partnering with organizations that are already doing the work of food insecurity and working on providing some of the social services to students.

“We will still continue to expand and figure out better ways for students to do Service Learning and that would be through Academic Affairs.

“We developed the Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI), we hired a person (Francellis Quinones) who will take the lead on Civic Engagement projects and figuring out what we are or not doing, and how we can expand.

“There’s also opportunities for people to apply for other positions,” she said.
Custodia-Lora said that a better way for students to access resources would be through one phone number or one way to contact a variety of people who know what resources are accessible 24/7.

She also emphasized the importance of building trust and being culturally sensitive. Custodia-Lora stated that more than 50% of students at NECC are English language learners. For this reason, they considered bringing a Spanish-speaking person for the JEDI position, she said.

“Even myself sometimes I feel much better, when I’m talking to a doctor or in a crisis, to speak to somebody in Spanish, so we also bring on that to the table that they (Spanish-speaking students) can call anybody at any given time,” she said.
Custodia-Lora added: “I want us to, for example, when we offer food to students, we could give them beans, rice, tomatoes… you know, things that are even also more culturally sensitive to us, even with the frozen food.”

Custodia-Lora said: “This is a new plan that we have, and I really hope that more students get involved in this because to me that’s important.

“We need to remove ourselves from the position and we really need to tackle the larger issues which is, are we serving the students the best way that we could?” she said.

But why does this matter to the students?

Regardless of background or ethnicity, D’Agata-Lynch, as the Civic Engagement, Service-Learning, and Community Resources Coordinator, has served students with the following programs in both campus, Lawrence and Haverhill:

Civic engagement. Helping students to register to vote and organizing events to engage students with their right to vote.

Thanks to her campaigns, NECC was recognized with a Silver Seal for Voter Excellence for the college’s 2018 voting rates by this organization, and in 2022, NECC was recognized as one of the Most Engaged Campuses for College Student Voting.

Civic Engagement paid-internship course COP. Thanks to a grant D’Agata-Lynch wrote, she got the funds for this course. Students get paid $20 per hour up to $3,000 for the semester to engage in a civic engagement/leadership internship working for a nonprofit or a government organization. Once per week, intern students have class with professor D’Agata-Lynch where they learn about important subjects related to the workforce as equity, equality and inclusion. This reporter is currently a student in this course.

Clothing assistance. Students get a free voucher to shop in a local secondhand store.

Free monthly Mobile Market. Students, faculty and staff shop for free produce and/or any food available.

Food pantry. At any time, students can shop for free food like pasta, cereal, etc. Even hygiene products like shampoo or soap.

According to the Eagle Tribune, in June 2021, Senator Elizabeth Warren visited Lawrence NECC campus to tout the Student Food Security Act, legislation aimed at addressing food insecurity on college campuses. NECC President Lane Glenn, former interim Lawrence Mayor Kendrys Vasquez, D’Agata-Lynch, and students escorted the senator to show her the food pantry, and she praised NECC for their initiative.

Feminine product baskets. In any women’s bathroom, students can take free tampons or pads.

Frozen food. Students can take unlimited free frozen ready-to-eat food.

Housing insecurity. According to students’ needs, whether they have children or not, they would be accommodated by nonprofit organization, and followed-up by D’Agata-Lynch.

Numbers talk

Let’s see in numbers the impact the most popular program, the Mobile Market, which celebrated April 25, its sixth anniversary of helping students and NECC families. They have helped: 26,253 individuals; 7,233 households; and distributed 223,568 lbs. of food, according to a flier from the program.

During the 2022 calendar year alone the market served 433 households representing 1,593 persons. In addition, 320 students were provided with Smart Meals, gift cards, feminine hygiene products, food pantry items, and/or food vouchers

Who is Janel D’Agata-Lynch and why does her position matter?

She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from College of the Holy Cross and a master of social work with a concentration in community organizing, policy, planning, and administration from Boston College. Since 2004, she has been a licensed social worker. In 2015, D’Agata-Lynch was hired as civic engagement and service-learning coordinator. Since 2017, she also has been the community resources coordinator.

Fully committed to serving students and community, she had developed all programs mentioned before. Also, as an adjunct professor, she has taught sociology and civic engagement courses.

In 2019, D’Agata-Lynch received the NECC Employee Recognition Award as she encouraged students to engage civically through volunteerism. “In addition, she has been a champion for students who experience food insecurity and housing instability…She accomplishes all with a calm, personable, compassionate and down-to-earth demeanor,” said Paula Richards, associate professor of Academic ESL and English, who nominated her.

In a Letter to The Observer’s Editor, professor of Art & Design Michelle Carter, said “when a person is without basic needs, it can feel overwhelming to try to navigate various channels of aid. Janel helps connect students to these resources, coaching them to self-advocate. She also runs food pantries on both campuses and a free monthly farmers’ market, among other initiatives. It makes such a difference to me, as it does to many faculty, to know that I can refer students to an in-house social worker if needed.”

D’Agata-Lynch is involved actively in “the union.” She is a director of the Northern Essex Community College Professional Association (NECCPA) which is one of the local chapters of the Massachusetts Community College Council (MCCC), mostly known as “the union.”

As professor Gunning stated “this (D’Agata-Lynch’s retrenchment) is an attack on a MCCC position. Every time that any union position is eliminated, the union is weakened and our ability to bargain collectively for our shared well-being is undermined.”
D’Agata-Lynch declined an interview with The Observer as the union was negotiating her current situation.

What matters to the administration

Last month, in an interview on Judy Josephs’ show called “History of Success” broadcasted by Lynn Community Television, NECC Provost Paul Beaudin said “I have found at Northern Essex, a community of professionals who believe as I do that what students think matters, the student experience in the classroom matters, the modalities of the classes that we offer matters.

There are so many things that matter, and we need to make sure that we are being effective in promoting a history of success.”
Beaudin told this reporter he could not answer or make any comments about D’Agata-Lynch or the student programs she oversaw.

This reporter also attempted to interview NECC President Lane Glenn but the Chief of Staff, Cheryl A. Goodwin, stated Glenn could not comment because of ongoing negotiations with the union about the position.

When asked about the plan for all the student services D’Agata-Lynch position was covering, Goodwin said none of these programs would disappear, instead they would be more robust. “How?” I replied. Goodwin said she couldn’t give me more information.


Holding the debt ceiling hostage: MAGA Republicans do not want to pay America’s bills

MAGA Republicans in Congress are holding raising the debt ceiling hostage unless their demands are met and will not consider passing a seperate bill that would involve budget cuts.

Republican lawmakers on Wednesday unveiled their plan to raise the debt ceiling and cut government spending ahead of the looming summer deadline to avert a catastrophic and historic default by the U.S. on its debt obligations

To understand the potential consequences of a U.S. default, it is important to understand what the debt ceiling is and how it works. The debt ceiling is a limit on the amount of money that the U.S. government can borrow to fund its operations. This limit is set by Congress and is designed to prevent the government from spending more money than it takes in. If the debt ceiling is reached, the government cannot borrow any more money, and it is forced to rely on its existing revenues to pay for its expenses. If the debt ceiling is not lifted and the U.S. defaults on its bills, the consequences could be disastrous, both for the U.S. and for the global economy. Not raising the debt ceiling is like maxing out your credit card and then not pay the bill.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and the MAGA Republicans have put forward their demands in order to raise the debt ceiling in the bill called the “Limit, Save, Grow, Act” that would lift the ceiling by 1.5 trillion dollars or by the end of March 2024.

The GOP bill limits increases in the federal budget to 1% per year, significantly slower than the rate of inflation and less than recent year-over-year budget increases, particularly since the pandemic.

The Republican plan would nix $80 million in additional IRS funding, including funding for thousands more agents, that was made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act. Republicans passed a bill to eliminate those additional positions before, but the bill died in the Senate, according to ABC News.

The GOP bill imposes stricter work requirements to receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) funding, formerly known as food stamps, for childless adults. The bill also requires each state to collect and submit information to the federal government about the percentage of people enrolled in SNAP who are in unsubsidized employment, as well as the median earning of people who were work-eligible after they leave the program.

The Republicans’ bill would nullify Mr. Biden’s program forgiving student loan debt up to $20,000 per borrower. Under the plan, announced by the president last August, eligible borrowers can have up to $10,000 in student debt wiped clean, while qualifying Pell Grant recipients can have an additional $10,000 forgiven. The program has been on hold as legal challenges have made their way through the courts. Roughly 40 million Americans are eligible for the relief. President Biden extended a pause on federal student loan payments, first put in place by Trump in the early months of the pandemic, through June, according to ABC News.

Republicans now want to rescind key aspects of the Inflation Reduction Act that was signed into law that were designed to combat climate change, including provisions establishing a high-efficiency electric home rebate program and home energy efficiency contractor training grants.

If the debt ceiling is not lifted, the U.S. government will be unable to pay its bills, including interest payments on its debt. This could lead to a default on U.S. debt, which would have significant consequences for the U.S. and global economy.

The financial market would be in turmoil. The U.S. is the largest economy in the world and has the largest financial market. If the U.S. defaults on its debt, it will trigger a massive sell-off in the global financial markets. Investors would be spooked, and they would likely dump their U.S. assets, including U.S. Treasury bonds. This would lead to a sharp increase in interest rates, as investors demand a higher return on their investments to compensate for the increased risk. The stock market would likely crash, and investors would suffer huge losses.

Included in the debt limit package is H.R. 1, the “Lower Energy Costs Act.” The legislation aims to boost American energy production and decrease dependency on foreign oil. The plan seeks to quicken the permitting process for energy and infrastructure projects and increase oil and gas production and sales. It also includes a provision that prohibits the energy secretary from implementing any rules that would “directly or indirectly limit” consumer access to gas kitchen ranges and ovens, according to ABC News.

If the U.S. defaults on its debt, it will likely result in a downgrade of the U.S. credit rating. This would make it more expensive for the government to borrow money in the future, as investors would demand a higher return on their investments to compensate for the increased risk. The downgrade would also have ripple effects throughout the global economy, as other countries and companies that rely on U.S. debt as a benchmark would also see their credit ratings downgraded.

If the debt ceiling is not lifted, the U.S. government would be forced to shut down non-essential services, furlough employees, and suspend payments to contractors and suppliers. This would have a significant impact on the U.S. economy, as businesses and individuals that rely on government services and payments would be affected. For example, Social Security recipients would not receive their checks, and government contractors would not be paid, leading to a ripple effect throughout the economy.

If the U.S. defaults on its debt, it will become more expensive for the government to borrow money in the future. This would have a significant impact on the U.S. economy, as higher borrowing costs would mean that the government would have to pay more to service its debt. This could lead to higher taxes or cuts in government services, which would have a negative impact on economic growth and job creation.

There would be international repercussions. The U.S. is the world’s largest economy and is closely tied to the global economy. If the U.S. defaults on its debt, it will have significant international repercussions. Other countries that hold U.S. debt would suffer losses, and the value of their holdings would decrease. This could lead to a global financial crisis, as investors around the world would suffer losses and become more risk averse. The resulting economic downturn could lead to job losses and reduced economic growth around the world.

There will be political fallout. If the debt ceiling is not lifted, it could have significant political consequences for the U.S. The political fallout of a U.S. default would be severe and could result in a loss of confidence in the government and its ability to manage the country’s finances. The government would likely face a backlash from the public, as well as from other countries and international organizations. This could lead to increased political instability, as the government struggles to regain credibility and regain the trust of its citizens.

Moreover, the failure to raise the debt ceiling could create a constitutional crisis. The government may have to choose which bills to pay and which ones to defer, as it would be impossible to pay all the bills at once. This could lead to a legal battle over the government’s obligations and could ultimately result in a Supreme Court ruling. .

During the Trump administration, the U.S. national debt increased by over $7 trillion, reaching a total of $27.8 trillion by the end of the administration in January 2021.

The Trump administration implemented a tax cut in 2017, which reduced tax rates for individuals and corporations. The tax cut was estimated to increase the national debt by $1.5 trillion over the next ten years, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. The Trump administration argued that the tax cut would stimulate economic growth and create jobs, but critics argued that it would primarily benefit the wealthy and increase income inequality.

In addition to the tax cut, the Trump administration increased government spending, particularly on defense and infrastructure. The administration argued that the increased spending was necessary to improve national security and modernize infrastructure, but critics argued that it would increase the national debt and be unsustainable in the long term.

The consequences of a U.S. default would be severe and far-reaching, both for the U.S. and for the global economy. It would trigger financial market turmoil, result in a credit rating downgrade, lead to a government shutdown, increase borrowing costs, have international repercussions, and result in political fallout. A U.S. default would also have a long-term impact on the U.S. economy, as investors would lose confidence in the government’s ability to manage its finances, leading to reduced investment and economic growth. Therefore, it is imperative that the U.S. government raises the debt ceiling and avoids a default, as failure to do so could have devastating consequences for the U.S. and the world.

This is MAGA Republicans way of “owning the libs!” They will let the American and global economy tank if their demands are not met because they know it would look bad for Biden. I wish they would grow up and act like responsible adults.

Panel focuses on book banning and intellectual freedom

On Wednesday April 12th Northern Essex Community College hosted a panel discussion about book banning and intellectual freedom event that took place in Lecture Hall (A) in the Spurk building on the Haverhill campus.
Students, faculty and staff were encouraged to come listen to a panel of hosts discuss their thoughts and research on banning books.

Guest Martin Garnar, director of libraries at Amherst College led the discussion.

The event was sponsored by the Global Studies department and the NECC Library.

Six faculty members from different disciplines joined in on the panel.

Garnar began by asking the audience to get into groups of 4-5 people and the groups were given a piece of paper that gave real life scenarios and each group had to discuss what the people in the scenario should do.

For example, “a teacher thinks her students are plagiarizing; should she go to the library?”

After each group read and discussed the audience formed a large group discussion about their topic and panel members and other groups were allowed to converse through a shared microphone.

Lisette Espinoza, an English professor at Northern Essex and a part of the panel for the banning books event encouraged the audience to read books because “there are many authors banned … because their ideas are complex or controversial.”

Students were able to be challenged with real life scenarios, work together in a group setting to figure it out and gain advice from the panel on different perspectives.

To find out about more events like these you can visit the NECC events tab.

Coach promoted to full-time in new role

coach Dareen Stratton promoted to new role
Coach Darren Stratton NECC athletics website

Darren Stratton, the current Men’s basketball coach has been given the newly created role of Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services for transportation and athletics. Athletic director Dan Blair announced the promotion this week, NECC newsroom reports.  

In this new role Stratton will manage NECC’s new transportation program between the Haverhill and Lawrence campuses. Stratton will also serve as the liaison for athletics to the college’s athletic coaching programs. Other responsibilities include assisting the student alumni office to enhance student athlete alumni outreach. 

Meanwhile, Stratton will continue his duties as the Basketball head coach, a position he has held for twenty seasons. 

Francesca Nival named next Volleyball head coach

Portrait of New volleyball head coach, Francesca Nival
Francesca Nival named NECC’s next volleyball coach Courtesy of the Northern Essex website

NECC has found its next Volleyball head coach, Franchesca Nival. Athletic director, Dan Blair announced the hiring earlier this year.  

“My goal is not just be a coach but being but a mentor” said Nival. 

Nival will be taking the helm of a Knights volleyball team that finished 7-11 overall and 6-7 in conference play last season. 

This will be Nival’s first opportunity to coach at the college level. She previously served as an assistant coach at Lowell high school for two seasons. Nival coached two clubs, The Andover pumas and Athletics sports club. Additionally, Nival is the current owner of Athletics sports club, an organization that trains teenagers to prepare to play volleyball at the high school level. Nival is also a certified coach by USA Volleyball. 

Before coaching she played four seasons at Lowell High school and three seasons at UMass Lowell, serving as an outside hitter defensive specialist. 


Knight defeat SeaWolves 12-5

A knights baseball player celebrates hitting home run
De La Cruz, (third player on the left) celebrates hitting a three- run home run in the seventh inning. | NECC Observer

On April 19th Northern Essex (22-6) tops Southern Maine community college (16-12) 12-5 at Trinity stadium. 

Starter Alex Sweeney of Raymond, NH (3-1) struggled with his command in the first two innings yielding three walks. He settled in and cruised in the next six innings. 

Richard Matos De La Cuz of Boston, MA who went (1-for-5) made his lone hit count. He hit a towering three-run home run into the center field bleachers. 

Sweeney opened the first inning allowing a leadoff double and two walks to load the bases. He worked around the jam with back-to-back fly outs and a strikeout to escape the inning. 

A rough second inning from Sweeney put The Knights in a 4-0 hole. 

With the bases loaded Seawolves pitcher threw consecutive wild pitches, it made the score 4-2. A two RBI double by Kameron Levesque of Haverhill, MA evened the score at four. 

After three quiet innings, The Knights bats woke up in the sixth inning scoring a pair of runs. An RBI single to left field by Orlando Payne of Lawarence, MA put The Knights ahead 5-4. Domenic Crocenzi of North Providence, RI was walked to put runner at first and second. Payne was driven in by a base hit past the second baseman. 

Anthony Marcano of Boston MA led the inning off the seventh with a base hit. A botched pickoff attempt by Southern Maine advanced him to third base. With two outs, Payne came through with an RBI triple to lead 8-4. Payne pushed his luck attempting to stretch the triple into an inside-the-park home run and was thrown out at home plate. 

De La Cruz put the game away in the eighth inning with a three-run home run to over the center field wall, 11-4. 

Jagger Lovinelli of Huntington beach, CA was sent in to close the game. He allowed a solo home run and a walk but still recorded three more outs to lockdown down the 12-5 win against Southern Maine. 

Up next, The Knights headed on the road April 21st to face Quinsigamond community college.