MassReconnect student: Pedro Rentas

Pedro Rentas is a multi talented, visionary and aspiring chef with an eye for success.

Rentas moved to the United States nine years ago from Dominican Republic, where he worked in TV and radio.

He learned English, got married and became a citizen. He has worked in the banking industry for a few years and enjoys filming cooking videos that he posts on Tiktok where he has gained a community of 128,000 followers.

Rentas, 38, decided to pursue his college degree back in 2023 when he had a hard time competing for promotions at his workplace because he lacked a college degree.

Rentas, who lives in Haverhill, visited Northern Essex Community College last summer seeking information and it is when he learned about MassReconnect, which offers free community college to any student over 25.

Rentas enrolled at Northern Essex last fall and since then has strived to get the most out of his education and make an impact. “

I’m here because of MassReconnect and I want to make the best out of this opportunity,” said Rentas.

Last month the polls opened to join the Student Government Association. Rentas decided to join the campaign and run as the student Marketing Chair Position.

“I wasn’t going to run until a few students and faculty said I was a great fit for this position” Rentas said.

Despite recommendations from Rentas close friends and professors the polls opened and NECC Students were able to vote online which meant his fate of winning the campaign was determined on the number of votes.

“I was so anxious awaiting for the results and finally I received the email confirming I won in my category and on April 25th I (was sworn in)  and accepted the Marking Chair position” said Rentas.

Congratulations to Rentas and all the other members who won and are now part of the Student Government Association.