Congratulations soon-to-be NECC graduates! You have accomplished a great deal in your NECC journey – taking courses during the pandemic and navigating through a cyberattack this semester. It can be both exciting and intimidating to take consider life after graduation but we are here to help with any questions related to career. Whether you plan to join the workforce, transfer for your bachelor’s degree, or a combination of both, we hope you find this information helpful.
Here are our top eight tips for you to consider as you prepare for the next steps in your career.
- Connect with Career Services. We work with all NECC students and graduates! Our most popular meeting topics include: career exploration, resume and cover letter feedback, job and internship search tips, and interview preparation.
And yes…Career Services will be open this summer and available for both in-person and Zoom-based virtual appointments! 😊
- Create or update your resume. You’ve graduated! Let your resume reflect your achievement, and express your strengths, skills, and accomplishments. Keeping your resume up to date is a proactive approach and ensures you will be ready if an opportunity arises.
- Create a cover letter. A cover letter is commonly included with your resume in an application. Develop a one-page cover letter to be used as a template for future applications. Creating this cover letter now will save you time in tailoring your materials for each application
- Activate and complete your Handshake profile. Handshake is our school’s job and internship board. It is also home to many employer-hosted events that can help you explore career options and learn more about companies. Complete your profile, and start browsing opportunities. Statistics show 80% of students who fill out the career interest section of their profile get messaged. A complete profile increases the likelihood an employer will directly message you.
- Network! Regardless of your next steps, networking is important in all industries and all occupations, and the sooner you get started, the better off you will be. Networking is a broad term for meeting and connecting with people in occupations and companies you’re interested in pursuing. This includes people you’ve attended classes with and met during your time at NECC- connect now so you don’t lose touch! Not sure where to start? Read the next two tips.
- Create a LinkedIn Account. LinkedIn is a professional social networking platform and is a helpful networking resource. You can connect with friends and family already on the platform to get started. Follow companies you admire or are considering to work for in the future. As an alumnus of the college, you also have access to a great network of Knights. Follow Northern Essex Community College on LinkedIn and connect with other graduates.
- Attend career and job fairs. NECC hosts career events and MassHire Merrimack Valley Career Center hosts events throughout the year. You can also check out the events hosted by your local chamber of commerce. Check out these websites to get started:
- NECC Career Services: https://www.necc.mass.edu/succeed/career-services/college-career-workshops/
- MassHire Merrimack Valley: https://masshiremvcc.com/events/
- Patience and persistence. Easy to say, hard to do. When you are applying to jobs or internships, it can be a long process. Your patience will be tested and you may apply to many places. Remember to connect with your resources – like Career Services, your professors, LinkedIn, etc. – and keep moving forward.