Students in PACE, SOAR and other programs took part in NECC’s Convocation Ceremony on Sept. 5.
The day began with a light breakfast before the ceremony.
At breakfast, the students were given gift bags to be opened at the end of the ceremony.
The ceremony took place in the Tech Center building on the first floor on the Haverhill campus.
There were many in attendance which included the NECC President Lane Glenn, NECC faculty and staff, first generation college students both past and present and more.
Also in attendance were the Haverhill Police Color Guard, NECC Board of Trustees Chairwoman Jennifer Borislow, Dean Carolyn Knoepfler and NECC Trustee and Alumni Board President ‘15 Jouel Gomez to name a few. All of whom gave outstanding remarks as they recalled the different paths that life had led them on having arrived at NECC.

Convocation opened with a beautiful musical selection that welcomed the National Anthem.

NECC’s Accessible Media Team’s digital accessibility specialist DJ Chase, at podium, was one of the speakers at convocation on Sept. 5 in the Tech Center on the Haverhill campus. From left to right: special guest speaker Diannely Antigua, NECC alumna and poet, President Lane Glenn aand NECC Trustee and Alumni Board President Jouel Gomez. Photo courtesy NECC Newsroom
The ceremony was part of welcoming students, faculty and staff back to school and to encourage the students to continue to press forward even in the face of adversity.
The ceremony was engaging and the atmosphere was full of excitement as the speakers one by one spoke of the challenges that they had faced and were still facing when they arrived at NECC.
Nevertheless, they continued to move forward with faculty and staff support, and success was definite.

The life stories of the speakers not only inspired but really resonated with the students as they could identify with their struggles.
The emphasis surrounding the ceremony was based on the importance of education and that hard work and consistency does pay off.
It is because of NECC’S diversity that students feel secure and assured that NECC is a place where they can thrive.

It was nice seeing the faculty and staff in support of the students that day. The energy in the room was moving and uplifting and the ceremony really got the students amped up for the new school year, it was indeed a confidence builder.
At the end of the ceremony the students were asked to open their gifts and take out their gifts. Inside the bag was a Northern Essex sweatshirt that the students were asked to wear. After putting on the sweatshirt, the ceremony came to a close and the students were asked to single file out of the building to take group pictures.

PACE students make up a small percentage of the NECC students, nevertheless PACE’s long-time commitment and dedication to their students never falls short of ensuring that each student is successful every semester. As PACE, SOAR and other programs gear up for the new season there are a lineup of events for the students to participate in, including a PACE field trip to UMASS Lowell.