NECC transfer fair and potential picks

Join Career Services and MassHire Merrimack Valley Career Center for our upcoming job fairs:

March 4, at 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Health and Human Services and Professional Services, at the Dimitry Building Atrium, Lawrence and April 25 at 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for all industries, TC Building TC103, Haverhill.

Who can attend the NECC and MassHire Career Center job fairs?

All are welcome – both students and community members! NECC students are strongly encouraged to attend. Even if you are not currently job searching, it is helpful to attend, explore opportunities, and make connections with employers.

What can I expect from attending a job fair?

One myth about attending a job fair is that attendees should leave with a job opportunity in hand. Receiving a job offer immediately is very rare. Many employers will encourage an attendee to apply online through their website.

So, why attend? The job fair is an opportunity to meet employers, get information, learn more about a company, industry, or occupation, and start to network. You never know, you may meet your future employer at the fair.

Pre-register for the event to receive reminders and a full list of companies attending.

What should I prepare for a job fair?

1. Create a strong resume – and visit Career Services for feedback!

a. If you are actively job searching, bring multiple copies of your resume and be prepared to apply online after the fair.

b. If you are applying to more than one type of job, you may want to prepare a different type of resume depending on your job target.

2. Develop and practice your elevator pitch.

a. These are your opening two sentences when you meet someone. Something like, “Hi, my name is Nick Jonas and I am an English major at Northern Essex Community College. I’m interested in working in Human Resources and want to learn more about your company.”

3. Dress for success at the event.

a. Similar to how you would dress for a job interview, you want to dress in business attire for a job fair.

b. Questions about what to wear? We can help!

4. Review attending employers and identify companies of interest.

a. Yes, some pre-event homework. Check out the list of attendees, which companies interest you? Search their websites and review their open positions. Attend the job fair with a list of your top “must visit” companies.

What do I do after?

Apply to positions and reconnect with employers.

1. Hold on to the business cards and contact information you receive from the job fair to follow up with a thank you and ask any additional questions.

2. If you are on LinkedIn, consider sending a connection request with a representative you talked with at the fair and express you are very interested in that company.

Contact NECC Career Services:

If you would like to talk more about job search, contact with NECC’s Career Services through Navigate or email (

Learn more about internships, Handshake, and application materials with your Career Services Office.

Find us on Navigate to schedule a meeting.


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