NECC transfer fair and potential picks

Join Career Services and MassHire Merrimack Valley Career Center for our upcoming job fairs:

March 4, at 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Health and Human Services and Professional Services, at the Dimitry Building Atrium, Lawrence and April 25 at 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for all industries, TC Building TC103, Haverhill.

Who can attend the NECC and MassHire Career Center job fairs?

All are welcome – both students and community members! NECC students are strongly encouraged to attend. Even if you are not currently job searching, it is helpful to attend, explore opportunities, and make connections with employers.

What can I expect from attending a job fair?

One myth about attending a job fair is that attendees should leave with a job opportunity in hand. Receiving a job offer immediately is very rare. Many employers will encourage an attendee to apply online through their website.

So, why attend? The job fair is an opportunity to meet employers, get information, learn more about a company, industry, or occupation, and start to network. You never know, you may meet your future employer at the fair.

Pre-register for the event to receive reminders and a full list of companies attending.

What should I prepare for a job fair?

1. Create a strong resume – and visit Career Services for feedback!

a. If you are actively job searching, bring multiple copies of your resume and be prepared to apply online after the fair.

b. If you are applying to more than one type of job, you may want to prepare a different type of resume depending on your job target.

2. Develop and practice your elevator pitch.

a. These are your opening two sentences when you meet someone. Something like, “Hi, my name is Nick Jonas and I am an English major at Northern Essex Community College. I’m interested in working in Human Resources and want to learn more about your company.”

3. Dress for success at the event.

a. Similar to how you would dress for a job interview, you want to dress in business attire for a job fair.

b. Questions about what to wear? We can help!

4. Review attending employers and identify companies of interest.

a. Yes, some pre-event homework. Check out the list of attendees, which companies interest you? Search their websites and review their open positions. Attend the job fair with a list of your top “must visit” companies.

What do I do after?

Apply to positions and reconnect with employers.

1. Hold on to the business cards and contact information you receive from the job fair to follow up with a thank you and ask any additional questions.

2. If you are on LinkedIn, consider sending a connection request with a representative you talked with at the fair and express you are very interested in that company.

Contact NECC Career Services:

If you would like to talk more about job search, contact with NECC’s Career Services through Navigate or email (

Learn more about internships, Handshake, and application materials with your Career Services Office.

Find us on Navigate to schedule a meeting.


Handshake URL: 

Exploring emotional support animals

NECC students and faculty believe having a balance between academics and mental health is important and having an emotional support animal on campus will help them thrive in finding that stability. 

Mental health has become a popular topic in the U.S. that affects “approximately 77%” of college students according to The American College Health Association (ACHA). The ACHA also reported in a 2023 survey that college students are diagnosed with mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression and “Stressor-Related Disorders.” 

An NECC student who wishes to remain anonymous because of this sensitive topic claims that “midterms or finals week may cause” their mental health conditions to be apparent. 

Educational tasks like keeping up with “deadlines” or attending to personal matters plays a role in another NECC student’s life that sparks “tons of anxiety and stress.” Respectively, this student also wishes to remain anonymous because of this sensitive topic 

“The same sort of stress that affects students can affect faculty” said NECC Counselor and Psychological Service Coordinator Gabriel Garcia. 

In a National Library of Medicine article it is made clear that college faculty (professors and student success services) cannot go unrecognized because they are “principle [assets] of the educational process” in which “one-third” of this population deal with mental health conditions. 

Academic Coach Amy Joyall explained her daily goal of “wanting to be accessible” to each student and finding a balance of “structure [for herself] and others” can be a root cause of mental health conditions. 

Attending college can be a difficult transition for students and managing one’s workload can be an overwhelming task for faculty. Collectively, NECC students and faculty believe having an emotional support animal on campus will help take some weight off their shoulders. 

The NECC students who both wish to remain anonymous expressed having an emotional support animal on campus would “uplift [their and other students’] mood, and [would help manage] stress levels.” In addition, the animal(s) “would help calm students and encourage” them to take a break from stressful situations. 

As for faculty, emotional support animals allow people an opportunity to “break [the] momentum of a busy day” and spend it with a “non-judgemental” companion, said Joyall. She believes there is a “trade off [that] gives energy [and] connects people on campus” when spending time with an emotional support animal. 

The idea of NECC: How current, former students and parents of students see the college

Situated in Haverhill and Lawrence, Massachusetts, Northern Essex Community College may be considered one of the top community colleges within Massachusetts when it comes to athletics and academics, but it may owe this spectacle to the positive reception it handles from their student body, past or present, and the figures that help shape their budding community. 

One key factor that may highlight the reception behind Northern Essex is the comfortability of proximity, as stated by Nellysha Martinez, a current Art & Design student at NECC from Lawrence, Massachusetts. 

“The greatest appeal of NECC that I found was how close it was to home,” stated Martinez. “The Lawrence campus was the closest to me, but, ironically, I ended up taking my first classes at the Haverhill campus and being split between both campuses.” Martinez also commented on how the addition of free public transportation, such as the MVRTA buses, are essential in their continuation to further learn at NECC. 

Another positive factor to showcase regarding NECC is their affordability, especially for students who transfer into the institution due to financial burdens at previous colleges and universities. Haverhill’s Jason Almanzar, a 2017 graduate of NECC who originally attended Providence College, cited NECC as a safe option when it comes to issues of paying for tuition. 

“I view NECC as a more cost-effective option over traditional four-year universities,” expressed Almanzar. “The total cost of attendance reduced my education by over 80% and allowed me to continuously work towards my degree without the fear of sudden interruptions due to financial issues.” Almanzar also noted the variety of majors available at NECC to be beneficial in choosing what to pursue once he transitioned back into a four-year university. 

Furthermore, regarding the topic of affordability, Lawrence’s Germinudy Lopez, who has had her children attend NECC over the years and was a former student herself, elaborates on how NECC can be seen in the perspective of a parental figure. 

“As a parent, I can say that the school is affordable and gives students different opportunities,” detailed Lopez, who quotes her own experiences at NECC as a gateway for her children to consider the school once college application season is on the rise. 

Internships offer real-life experiences

Northern Essex Community College offers students the opportunity to do college internships on campus or off-site. 

The plus about students doing internships in general is that they have the opportunity to earn real-life experiences and apply all the knowledge that they learn during their internship to their future jobs. Internships are a valuable experience for college students ready to enter the work field. 

After completing  a degree programs that ready them academically, the Internship is a hands-on work experience that prepares them for the real world.

Talking to faculty who have been involved in internship courses, they claim students learn all the steps that students need, in order to do an internship on or off campus. Some students may struggle to find their internship, while others find an internship quickly. It all depends on what type of internship they are looking for.

Sandy Rochon, a faculty member at NECC, has been working there for almost two years. Rochon works in the Career Services Department. She is one of the people in charge of helping students find a good internship that fills their needs. 

Rochon stated, “I recommend students do an internship because it will provide students with real-life experience. 

Students will be able to know if this particular job is one they would like to work in for the future”. “I also recommend students do an internship because they help them discover if this is what they are looking for”, (Sandy Rochon).

Katie Yeaton-Hromada is a coordinator for the Career Services Department at NECC. Yeaton-Hromada works helping students to find job opportunities, and to find suitable internship opportunities as well. 

Yeaton-Hromada stated, “I totally recommend students do an internship because this is an awesome opportunity that will help them build up knowledge towards their degree. They will be able to bring all the knowledge they have earned during the internship to their future job.”

Professor Sheila Muller is the Chair of the Business Department at NECC. Professor Muller stated that the internship class is a course that students should take when they want to earn experience. According to Professor Muller, doing an internship is a good idea that provides students with real-life experiences. Professor Muller stated, “Not all programs at NECC offer the opportunity to do an internship, but some of them do. The number of hours for students to do their internship is around 8 hours per week, or 10 hours weekly as a maximum.”

 Professor Muller also stated, “Students who do an internship will learn how to behave in a business environment and will have an idea of what to expect in the future” (Professor Muller).

The greatest praise of the program comes from the NECC Internship Students.

In interviewing a variety of students who chose the Internship option, almost every one of them has excellent feedback from their experiences. 

The most widely stated comment is that students feel much more prepared for life in their chosen careers. 

They go on to say that their real-world learning experiences have been more than just a classroom experience. Learning is expanded to what it will be like as they enter the workforce. These NECC students contest that hands-on learning experiences are a preferred way of attaining knowledge.

Biden deserves more credit

A Year of Transformation: President Joe Biden’s Accomplishments 

In the corridors of power, where decisions echo through history, President Joe Biden embarked on a journey to reshape America. His first year in office was marked by determination, resilience, and a commitment to addressing the nation’s most pressing challenges. Here, we chronicle the milestones that defined his presidency: 

Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill: 

One of Biden’s flagship victories was the approval of a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package. This landmark legislation significantly increased investment in critical national infrastructure, including bridges, roads, airports, public transport, broadband internet, waterways, and energy systems.   

The bill garnered support from both sides of the aisle, with 13 Republicans breaking ranks to join Democrats in passing it. Biden’s administration emphasized that this investment would help address supply chain disruptions and boost economic growth for years to come. 

Covid Relief: 

In March, the Biden administration passed a $1.9 trillion COVID relief package aimed at combating the ongoing struggles from the pandemic. This comprehensive legislation provided direct payments to struggling citizens, extended unemployment support for those in need. 

Chips and Science Act: 

The CHIPS and Science Act is a significant piece of legislation aimed at bolstering domestic semiconductor production in the United States. By investing in research, development, and manufacturing capabilities, this act seeks to reduce reliance on global supply chains for critical microchips. It not only addresses economic competitiveness but also enhances national security by ensuring a robust semiconductor ecosystem. Additionally, the act extends beyond microchips, funding research in cutting-edge fields such as quantum computing, materials science, and nanotechnology. In essence, the CHIPS and Science Act lays the groundwork for America’s technological future, fostering innovation and resilience across industry allocated funds for vaccination programs, and offered rental assistance. 

The bill also targeted child poverty and nutritional issues across the country. Additionally, it invested in restaurants, hospitality, and raised support for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. 

Record Job Creation and Low Unemployment:: 

Under Biden’s leadership, the U.S. economy witnessed record job creation adding 10.7 million good paying jobs. His administration focused on revitalizing industries hit hard by the pandemic, such as hospitality, manufacturing, and healthcare. 

The unemployment rate plummeted to historic lows of 3.4% reflecting the resilience of the American workforce and the effectiveness of economic policies. 

Lowering Prescription Drug Costs: 

In the quiet corners of pharmacies, seniors counted their pills and their pennies. Biden listened. He capped annual drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries, easing the burden on those who had carried the weight of illness for too long. Transparency became the antidote to opaque pricing. The pharmaceutical industry squirmed, but the American people breathed easier. Essential medications were no longer a luxury; they were a right.  

Pact Act: 

The PACT Act is a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. This legislation adds to the list of health conditions that we assume (or “presume”) are caused by exposure to these hazardous elements. The PACT Act aims to provide generations of Veterans—and their survivors—with the care and benefits they’ve earned and deserve. Notably, it extends eligibility for VA health care to Veterans with toxic exposures from the Vietnam, Gulf War, and post-9/11 eras. Additionally, it introduces more than 20 presumptive conditions related to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic exposures. These changes signify a significant step toward supporting those who have served our nation. 

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson and Beyond: 

The Supreme Court, a hallowed institution, welcomed a new face. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first Black woman to ascend those marble steps, carried the hopes of generations. Biden’s commitment to diversity echoed through his appointments—to the judiciary, to the executive branch. The mosaic of America found its place in the halls of power. 

Gun Control Legislation: 

The debate raged like wildfire. Guns, violence, and the soul of a nation hung in the balance. Biden stepped forward, signing the first significant gun-control law in years. Critics roared; defenders applauded. But the heart of the matter lay in protecting lives. The Second Amendment met the urgent need for safety. It was a tightrope walk, and Biden balanced with resolve. 

Transparency and Integrity: 

The White House regained its luster. The Department of Justice shed shadows, and sunlight streamed through the windows. Ethical governance was no longer a whisper — it was a roar. Diversity flourished, not as a buzzword but as a living, breathing reality. The American people deserved nothing less. 

As the calendar turned, President Biden’s accomplishments etched themselves into the annals of history. Challenges remained, but hope glimmered on the horizon. The nation watched, and the world held its breath.  I hope President Biden gets more of the credit he deserves for his accomplishments as president.  

Lies Donald Trump tells

Photo of angry looking Donald Trump mugshot
Donald Trump seen here surrendering to the Fulton County Georgia Department of Corrections. Photo by Fulton County Department of Corrections

It’s a well-known fact that Donald Trump lied over 30,000 times in just the four years he was president. has consistently propagated falsehoods and misinformation about that crosses his mind and may be beneficial to him. We will look at just a sliver of some of the falsehoods he spreads. 

The former president spread widespread lies about the 2020 election. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, he continues to claim that the election was stolen from him. Here are the facts: 

Joe Biden won the 2020 election decisively. He secured 306 Electoral College votes compared to Trump’s 232, and he received over 7 million more popular votes. Recounts and reviews in several battleground states confirmed Biden’s victory. 

In Arizona, a thorough review of ballots in Maricopa County reaffirmed Biden’s win. In Georgia, where Trump was recently indicted for his efforts to overturn the election, state officials recertified Biden’s victory after conducting three statewide counts. Michigan’s Republican-led committee also found no widespread fraud in the state. These reviews consistently upheld Biden’s win. 

Trump’s relentless spread of misinformation aims to undermine public confidence in the American electoral process. Unfortunately, it seems to be working recent polling shows that 57% of Republicans believe Biden was not legitimately elected. 

Despite these facts, Trump’s false claims persist, perpetuating a dangerous narrative that threatens the foundation of democracy. It’s crucial to rely on accurate information and hold leaders accountable for their statements. 

Trump falsely claimed that Nancy Pelosi caused the insurrection at the Capitol. This assertion has no basis. He also repeated the false claim that the rioters had “no guns” during the attack. 

Trump was criminally indicted for his role in the events leading up to the Capitol storming. The charges include conspiracy to defraud the government, conspiracy against the right to vote, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, and obstruction of an official proceeding. The indictment alleges that Trump repeatedly lied about election malfeasance, even when administration officials informed him otherwise. 

The indictment highlights how Trump’s pervasive, and destabilizing lies about election fraud targeted the core function of the U.S. federal government—the process of collecting, counting, and certifying presidential election results. 

During the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot, Trump claimed that there were no guns and that it was a peaceful protest. Jill Sanborn, assistant director of the FBI’s counterterrorism division, testified before a Senate committee that the FBI did not recover any guns during the incident. However, her statement needs context: she declined to speak for the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department or U.S. Capitol Police. While the FBI didn’t find guns, court documents reveal that some of the more than 430 people charged in connection with the riot brought guns onto Capitol grounds or stashed them away while staying in Washington. 

Additionally, an internal report indicated that U.S. Capitol Police were ordered not to use weapons intended to disperse rioters during the attack. Despite the lack of widespread firearms, other weapons like clubs, pepper spray, bear spray, and flagpoles were used by rioters. The events of that day remain a critical moment in American history, emphasizing the importance of accurate information and accountability. 

Throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, former President Donald Trump made several statements that were fact-checked and found to be misleading or false. Here are some notable instances: 

In the early days of the pandemic, Trump repeatedly downplayed the risks posed by the novel coronavirus. He claimed that the situation was “totally under control” and that the virus would be “just fine.” However, as the pandemic unfolded, it became clear that COVID-19 was a serious global health crisis. 

Trump suggested unproven treatments for COVID-19, including hydroxychloroquine and drinking bleach, which was dangerous and lacked scientific evidence of effectiveness. His statements led to confusion and potentially harmful consequences for public health. 

Trump falsely claimed that COVID-19 was less lethal than the flu. Experts consistently emphasized that COVID-19 is more deadly than seasonal flu, with a higher mortality rate. 

Throughout the pandemic, Trump criticized his own health experts, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. This undermined public trust in accurate information and guidance. 

Fact: The COVID-19 pandemic is not a hoax. It has caused significant loss of life, strained healthcare systems, and impacted economies worldwide. Claims suggesting otherwise are false and dangerous. 

During his tenure, former President Donald Trump made a misleading claim about late-term abortions. He echoed critics who falsely asserted that a bill would allow a woman going into labor to have an abortion. Trump stated, “Democrats are also pushing extreme late-term abortion, allowing children to be ripped from their mother’s womb right up until the moment of birth.” However, this statement is not accurate. Before the landmark abortion case was overturned in 2022, ninth-month abortions were exceedingly rare and not done legally except in cases of serious health risks to the mother. Furthermore, killing a baby after it is born has always been considered homicide and against the law.  

Fact: Killing a baby after it is born has always been considered homicide and is against the law. This fact underscores the importance of accurate information and responsible discourse around abortion rights and related issues. 

Donald Trump consistently makes claims linking immigrants to crime, particularly in the context of border security and his proposed border wall. During his presidency, he listed tens of thousands of crimes he attributed to undocumented immigrants, including charges or convictions for assaults, sex crimes, and violent killings. However, it’s essential to consider the broader context and rely on factual data. 

Fact: Available studies consistently show that overall crime rates are lower among immigrant groups than among native-born Americans. For instance, in Texas, where comprehensive data on crimes committed by immigration status is available, criminal conviction and arrest rates for immigrants were “well below” those of native-born Americans. Undocumented immigrants constitute just over 6% of Texas’s population, legal immigrants make up over 10%, and native-born Americans account for over 80%. While some unauthorized immigrants have committed violent crimes, most immigrants in the U.S. are less likely to commit crimes or end up in prison compared to native-born citizens. 

Former President Donald Trump has consistently propagated falsehoods and misinformation about climate change. Here are some notable instances: 

Calling Climate Change a “Hoax”: Trump has falsely called climate change a “hoax” invented by China. Despite overwhelming scientific evidence, he repeatedly downplayed the severity of global warming and its impact on the planet. 

Misleading Statements on Wind Turbines: Trump incorrectly suggested that wind turbines cause cancer and kills whales. These claims lack scientific basis and has been widely debunked. 

Dismissing Scientific Reports: His administration dismissed a landmark scientific report produced by the federal government’s own scientists, which highlighted the urgent need for climate action. 

Rolling Back Climate Regulations: Throughout his presidency, Trump sought to roll back key climate regulations, undermining efforts to address greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment. 

Fact: Climate change is a real and pressing global issue, supported by overwhelming scientific consensus. It is crucial to rely on accurate information and prioritize responsible policies to mitigate its effects. 

During his inauguration, former President Donald Trump made misleading statements regarding the crowd size. He claimed that the media misrepresented the number of people attending the event and that the crowd “looked like a million-and-a-half people” extending all the way back to the Washington Monument. 

However, photographs taken from the top of the Washington Monument clearly show that the crowd did not reach the monument. Additionally, Metro figures for both 11 a.m. (half an hour before the inauguration) and the full day indicated fewer trips taken compared to past inaugurations. Despite these facts, Trump’s administration continued to assert that it was the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, both in person and globally. 

Throughout his political career, former President Donald Trump has propagated numerous falsehoods that have had significant implications for democracy. Here are some key points: 

Pervasive Falsehoods: Trump’s disregard for factual accuracy is unprecedented among American politicians. Since his entry into politics, he has consistently made false claims, creating a firehose of misinformation. 

Immigration-Related Claims: Trump’s statements on immigration often veer into inflammatory falsehoods. More than 70% of fact-checks related to immigration, foreign policy, crime, COVID, and health care were found to be largely false. 

His falsehoods have fueled threats to democracy. Misinformation erodes public trust in institutions, undermines the electoral process, and contributes to polarization. 

While fact-checking remains essential, it’s challenging to silence Trump or force him to change his rhetoric. The battle against misinformation requires ongoing vigilance and a commitment to accurate information.  This is why we need to make sure that Donald Trump never steps foot in the White House ever again.  

Trump kills border bill

There is a crises at our southern border and in remarkable twist of legislative fate, the Senate’s proposed $118 billion border security package has become the epicenter of political turmoil, leaving the nation on edge.As bipartisan efforts aimed at addressing the critical issues surrounding border security and immigration reform were gaining momentum, the unexpected intervention of former President Donald Trump has thrown a wrench into the delicate machinery of compromise, telling his puppets in Congress to kill the bill before anyone even read the text just so he can campaign on the fact that the border is in chaos. 

  Trump and Republicans don’t really care about securing the border. They care more about manufacturing crises to fearmonger their voters with. 

 The bill would be the toughest border reform bill in decades. Here are a few things that the bill would do. 

The Border Security Package: A Comprehensive Overview 

 The $118 billion package, meticulously forged by Senators Kyrsten Sinema, James Lankford, and Chris Murphy, aimed to address the pressing issues at our nation’s southern border. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the Capitol, these lawmakers huddled in conference rooms, their pens poised to rewrite the narrative of border security and President Biden was ready to sign it into law. 

Tougher Asylum and Border Laws: 

The bill recognized the urgency of reforming the asylum system. With record-high crossings, it sought to strike a delicate balance between compassion and security. 

Asylum seekers, their hopes pinned on American soil, awaited a fair and efficient process. The bill’s provisions aimed to streamline this labyrinthine journey. 

Physical Barriers: A Wall of Contention 

The package allocated substantial resources for constructing and maintaining physical barriers along the border. These walls, like silent sentinels, were meant to deter illegal crossings. 

Republicans, who had long clamored for stronger border infrastructure, found solace in this provision. Yet, the debate raged on: Was it a wall of protection or a symbol of division? 

Technology and Personnel: Eyes in the Sky 

Drones soared above arid landscapes, sensors hummed, and cameras blinked. The bill earmarked funds for advanced surveillance technology. 

Additional Border Patrol agents would join the ranks, their boots on the ground, scanning horizons for signs of vulnerability. 

Drug Trafficking and Human Smuggling: The Underbelly of Chaos 

The bill’s architects understood that border security transcended physical barriers. Drug cartels and human smugglers wove intricate webs of danger. 

Resources were channeled to disrupt these networks, to intercept the flow of narcotics and the desperate souls seeking refuge. 

James Lankford: A Pragmatic Navigator 

Senator James Lankford, an Oklahoman with a penchant for pragmatism, stood at the bill’s helm. His commitment to border security was unwavering, but it came at a cost. During a live television interview, he faced a relentless news host armed with pointed questions: 

“Senator Lankford, is this bill too lenient on asylum seekers? Does it adequately address the border crisis?” Senator Lankford is dismayed that his colleagues are tanking the best bill they will ever get.  

Lankford’s measured response echoed through living rooms across the nation. He defended the bill as a necessary step toward finding common ground. His words resonated with those who believed that securing the border required both toughness and compassion 

Mitch McConnell: The Pragmatic Architect 

The Senate Minority Leader initially backed the package. He recognized the urgency of addressing border security and believed that the bill struck the right balance. 

McConnell, a seasoned tactician, weighed the political calculus. Could this be a bipartisan victory, or would it unravel in the partisan crossfire? 

Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton: Voices of Dissent 

These conservative senators Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton raised their voices. They argued that the bill didn’t go far enough in deterring illegal immigration. 

The allocation of resources for humanitarian aid and processing centers irked them. They feared it might inadvertently incentivize more migrants to attempt the perilous journey. 

Democrats’ Perspectives 

Kyrsten Sinema: Bipartisanship’s Torchbearer 

Sinema championed the spirit of compromise. She believed that finding common ground was essential, even if it meant threading the needle of political sensitivities. 

Her eyes were on the horizon, where solutions awaited those yearning for safety and opportunity. 

The Unforeseen Obstacle: Trump’s Shadow 

As the Senate chambers buzzed with anticipation, Donald Trump, the enigmatic disruptor, exerted his influence. He characterized the bill as a “trap,” designed to shift blame onto Republicans. His tweets echoed through the digital ether, stirring the political cauldron. 

Republicans should have taken this Bill as a win since almost everything they have asked for in securing the border is in this bill. Unfortunately, Donald J Trump doesn’t really care about our national security. He only cares about himself and his own agenda. In his eyes he thinks he is the only one who can fix the border. I ask if he’s the only one then why didn’t he fix the border during his four years as president?  It’s sad that republicans care more about not giving Joe Biden a win during an election year!