A bittersweet goodbye

As I stand on the precipice of bidding adieu to Northern Essex Community College, my heart swells with a myriad of emotions, each one a testament to the depth and breadth of my collegiate journey. 

It is a journey that has unfolded over the course of several years, marked by moments of triumph and adversity, growth and reflection, laughter, and tears. Now, as I prepare to embark on the next chapter of my life’s narrative, I am compelled to pause and reflect on the profound impact that NECC has had on my academic, personal, and professional development.

At the heart of my collegiate experience stands Mary Jo Shafer, a guiding light whose unwavering dedication to her students has left an indelible mark on my academic trajectory. 

Mary Jo’s classroom was not merely a space for lectures and exams; it was a sanctuary for intellectual exploration and growth. 

Her passion for teaching was infectious, igniting within me a thirst for knowledge and a desire to delve deeper into the subjects that captivated my imagination. 

Beyond her role as an educator, Mary Jo served as a trusted mentor and advisor, offering sage guidance and unwavering support as I navigated the twists and turns of my journalistic college journey. Her belief in my abilities empowered me to pursue my academic goals with confidence and determination, instilling in me a sense of purpose and direction that continues to guide me to this day.

But Mary Jo was not the sole architect of my collegiate experience. She was joined by a host of other educators, each bringing their own unique talents and perspectives to the table. 

From Kim Lyng’s dynamic class on Public Relations to Professor Meredith Gunning’s thought-provoking discussions on Religion and Philosophy, these mentors challenged me to think critically, to question assumptions, and to view the world through a broader lens. 

I also want to thank Steve Russell, Stephen Slaner, Jennie Fitzgerald and Sheila Pierre. 

Their dedication to academic excellence inspired me to push beyond my comfort zone, to explore new intellectual frontiers, and to embrace the unknown with courage and conviction.

Outside the classroom, the PACE program served as a beacon of support and guidance, providing me with the resources and assistance I needed to navigate the complexities of college life. 

Jessica Rocker, Kristen Arnold, and Christine Carbone were more than just advisors —they were allies, advocates, and confidants, standing by my side through the highs and lows of my collegiate journey. Whether it was offering guidance on course selection, providing support during times of personal struggle, or simply lending a sympathetic ear, the PACE team was always there for me, offering unwavering support and encouragement when I needed it most.

As I reflect on my time at Northern Essex Community College, I am struck by the profound impact that this institution has had on my life. It was here that I not only received an education but also forged lifelong friendships, discovered my passions, and laid the foundation for future success. From the bustling hallways to the quiet corners of the library, every inch of this campus holds a cherished memory, a reminder of the countless moments of joy, discovery, and growth that I have experienced during my time here.

As I prepare to bid farewell to NECC and embark on the next chapter of my journey, I do so with a heart full of gratitude and a mind filled with cherished memories. Though my time here may be drawing to a close, the lessons I have learned and the connections I have forged will remain with me always, guiding me as I navigate the uncertain terrain of the future. And so, as I prepare to take my leave, I extend my deepest thanks to the entire NECC community —f or your unwavering support, your tireless dedication, and your steadfast belief in the power of education to transform lives. Farewell, NECC. 

Thank you for everything.