Business major shares research on organizational analysis

After taking an online course on organizational analysis, Northern Essex Community College business transfer major Daniel Keating became fascinated with the topic. That fascination led to additional research and a presentation which he will share on Wednesday, April 17 at noon in the Center for Business and Accounting, located in the Spurk Building, Room 201, Haverhill Campus. Keating believes that the more you know about how organizations work, the more effective you will be.
“We are all involved in many organizations,” says Keating. “Those organizations may include your family, your school, your workplace, or the nonprofits you choose to get involved with.” Keating promises that after attending his presentation you will be better able to navigate the organizations in your life and help make those organizations stronger.Keating, a Groveland resident, will graduate from Northern Essex in May and is continuing on for a bachelor’s in finance and psychology. His ultimate goal is to obtain a master’s or doctorate degree in industrial organizational psychology.
He intends to pursue a career in private equity or venture capital, with a focus on improving employee life. While at Northern Essex, he’s been very active on campus, serving as the student in residence at the Center for Business and Accounting and as a student representative on three of the New England Commission of Higher Education Inc