Observer Department: Uncategorized

How working students have adapted to online schooling and learned to balance their schedule

Studies such as one from  the American College Health Association state that 45% of college students feel like they experience “more than average” stress reveals the mindstate that many college students are in now. Students from all different years in school share advice on how they balance their lives while…

NECC students get out (or mail in) the vote

With Election Day near, voting is especially critical. If you’ve already voted, whether you mailed it in or went to the polls, you’re good to go. But, if you haven’t it should be your top priority. 2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year, what with the global pandemic and…

Gen Z 2020 : The first decision

The 2020 elections are arguably one of the most important election cycles of American history. What also makes this year very special is that it’s the first election year that many of Gen Z can vote in. Gen Z is very active on social media and is known for their…

Mobile market provides free food

The mobile farmer's market at Northern Essex Community College provides free food to students and faculty, The Food Market is open once a month from September through April on both campuses located in Haverhill and Lawrence. Northern Essex will have its next Food Market on Oct. 27. In order to…

Speechapalooza goes online, collects donations for student relief fund

Northern Essex Community College students hosted an online public speaking event, called Speechapalooza, on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube from Wednesday-Friday, April 29-May 1. (Pictured is Dylan Musgrave participating in the event.) The event helped collect donations for the college's Student Emergency Fund and was attended by hundreds. The fund provides laptop…

Opening my eyes: A student’s experience in quarantine

Being required to stay under quarantine has opened my eyes as to everything I took for granted outside of my house. Typically, I strain myself by playing PC games late at night, with friends, until the early morning and then sleep through the day. The concept of day and night…

Student offers insights into dealing with pandemic

The uncertainty for what's to come, my academic performance, Income/work and my health are a few of the things that I consider to be some of the major factors to my stress. This is a very overwhelming time for everyone and coming out of this healthy and stable is something…

Administrators host virtual town hall for students

Northern Essex Community College President Lane Glenn and Vice President of Academic Affairs Bill Heinemen outlined in an 11 a.m. public Zoom town hall on Wed the various student-aimed financial relief measures the college is either putting in motion, presently only considering or deliberately avoiding the pursuit of in light…

A review: HBO’s “Plot Against America”

This speech might be pulled from an alt-right rally but it’s not, this speech was given on September 11, 1941 by American Aviator, Charles Augustus Lindberg, during an America First Rally in Des Moines, Iowa: "The three most important groups who have been pressing this country toward war are the…

United in isolation: A story of creativity through heartache

Serai Bogran of Haverhill is an 18-year-old Journalism student in her second semester at Northern Essex Community College. She has had a hard time adjusting to her new routine of completing her courses online, while dealing with all the distractions that accompany the use of technology and living with four…