Tag Archives: anime

Anime club struggles to become reality

By Abraham Anavisca, Correspondent

Fans of Japanese animation at NECC will be glad to know that a group of students are working to start an anime club. Jennifer Lebron, an art major here at NECC, is the would–be president of the organization.

“Normal clubs like sports and honors are [here]. Why not have something different?” Lebron said.

Should the club become a reality, meetings will be held weekly with a number of activities. There will be games and events like “Project Cosplay,” where members can compete to see who makes the best costume with the materials given; karaoke, anime jeopardy, and of course, the watching of anime episodes.

The group is hoping to be able to get one of NECC’s projector rooms to watch anime. Unfortunately, due to restrictions set by copyright law, the club won’t be able to show episodes using individual streaming accounts — on popular services like Crunchyroll and Netflix — and will instead have to opt for much more expensive third-party licenses. These may be too expensive for the school to afford.