Tag Archives: Shopping

Students Share Shopping Secrets

Staying up-to-date with fashion can be quite simple. Thanks to today’s technology, at a click of a button you can browse new fashion trends and splurge on the latest designer apparel.

Anabel Lopez, 20, says she’s guilty of splurging on items that she now regrets buying. “When I was a sophomore in high school, I got a new job at a bank and was making a decent amount of money, and every weekend I would just go all out buying unnecessary things. Everything from sneakers to designer bags to a bunch of fancy clothes I don’t even wear,” said Lopez. Lopez admits her shopping tendencies led her to be financially unstable.

“I have definitely learned from my mistakes. Everyone wants to looks good but saving is the smarter thing to do.”

Lopez believes she manages her money a lot better now and has even learned some new tips on saving money.

“So I have this little trick I do when I go out shopping now, I always go to the sale section first, that sounds really cheap, but it keeps me from being tempted from buying things that are way over my budget,” Lopez said.

Michael Garcia, 22, has also struggled with managing his money. “Garcia says he has worked at GameStop since being a freshman in high school and owns hundreds of video games. “My bad shopping habits all come from video games. Just last year alone, I think I’ve spent $1000.00 on video games,” said Garcia.

“Playing video games is something I’m good at and also very knowledgeable about. So it’s very hard for me knowing there’s a new video game coming out and being able to resist from buying it,” said Garcia.
Garcia says that his obsession with buying new video games will not cease, but is much more controlled when it comes to spending his money.

“Unfortunately, I work at GameStop, so there’s a lot of temptation but I try to avoid buying games in store and buy online instead. One of my favorite websites is eStarland.com, they offer great prices and give cash or credit to people with old games or consoles to trade,” Garcia said.

Sabrina Johnson, 20, said she is proud of her spending habits.

“I take pride in the fact that I’m able to afford life, save money and buy myself nice things, but that all comes with knowing how to manage your money properly,” said Johnson. Johnson said she checks her mobile banking account app and budgets herself every week.

“In order to save money, you need to be disciplined, and to be disciplined, you need to set goals. I usually pay my bills and take 30% of my earnings and put it into my savings, then I set up a budget for spending for the entire week and stick with that budget even if I run out,” said Johnson.