Covid’s impacts on our lifestyles continue

Lifestyle in 2020 took an unexpected turn. When covid hit, it shook up our everyday lives.

The life that we once knew was gone, workplaces, schools, etc, had been shut down. As humans, connecting to one another and being social is a part of our being.

For some, Quarantine took a toll on mental and physical health while others used this time to better mental and physical health.

That being said there was no right or wrong way to quarantine this was such a hard time to get through and I’m glad you are all safe. I got to sit down with these students to see how they spent their quarantine, how their lifestyle changed and how their mental health was affected?

Sophomore Sabrina Spero a Nursing student here at Necc said that “my lifestyle changed because I woke up every morning about a month into quarantine and did at least an hour of youtube workout videos and it made my day start off great.”

Senior Colleen Jameson said “I think excerise plays a crucial role in your mental health, I think that its important that everyone takes control of themselves and take that time to recalibrate. I can truly attest to the fact that my mental health is better than before the pandemic because I implemented exercise into my routine.”

Everyone’s mental and physical health is different so what works for some won’t work for all.

Selfcare is not about the destination it’s all about the journey you go through to learn and grow into who you are and who you want to become. If your looking for a place to start your selfcare journey NECC offers counseling and You can make an appointment by e-mailing or calling 978-556-3730.