Northern Essex Community College has shown to have a continued interest in engaging its students in all aspects of being an NECC Knight. This is true whether through the college’s various clubs and organizations, honor societies, civic engagement, as well as many other opportunities the campus provides.
The NECC website encourages students to “try new things and connect with people from diverse educational and cultural backgrounds.”
“There are clubs to join, events to attend,” says the website’s “Clubs & Organizations” page.
NECC students, even if not personally engaged in campus life, are aware of the seemingly infinite opportunities for students.
Roy Francis, a 19 year old biology major in his first semester at NECC, is no exception to this idea. “Typically I get a text on my phone since I signed up for alerts,” Francis says when asked how he usually receives information about events or clubs on campus. He also states that he “see(s) (opportunities) in (his) email.”
Jalayne Medina, an 18 year old first-year student and psychology major, shares similar sentiments to Francis in that she sees things regarding campus life “on (her) email.”

NECC has various bulletin boards posted around all buildings on campus. These boards contain not only clubs and events, but also important resources in many fields. Specifically, there are boards about being an informed voter, as well as being registered.
“I usually see the awareness months (on the bulletin boards), like how October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month,” Francis says.
Medina also shares that she has seen posters for this month of awareness, much like Francis. Francis also explains how he has found information about the conflict in Palestine and Gaza on bulletin boards. This has helped him to be more informed on this conflict.
Feelings on if there are possibly better ways for students to receive information have shown to be mixed. Francis answers “yes and no” to this question. Medina says that she “think(s) it’s good the way it is,” when asked the same question.
Francis brings up how he once saw someone with a table in the Spurk building. This person was talking about being registered to vote. “If someone was talking about (events on campus), people would be more inclined to want to know,” Francis says. He believes that seeing “the face” of certain events could help to visualize what being a part of the event could be like for a student.