On Friday Sept. 29, students from the PACE/TRIO programs went on a field trip and toured UMASS Lowell’s North and East campuses. Since Northern Essex Community College has a joint admissions agreement with UMass Lowell, the partnership between the two schools is most beneficial when students are looking forward to continuing their education after a 2-year college.
The purpose of the trip was to educate the students on the services that UMass Lowell provides to students that want to transfer.
Students, along with the PACE staff, Transfer Adviser Jessica Rocker, Data Specialist Christine Carbone and Academic Adviser Esther Peralta left that day from the Haverhill campus enroute to the Lawrence campus to pick up students there. Upon arrival, the day began at the office of undergraduate admissions and there the students met up with a UMass Lowell nursing student who was the tour guide.
After getting the students signed in, the tour started by walking over to the North Campus where the students visited the Saab Emerging Technology & Innovation Center, home to different academic departments and programs. UMass Lowell’s North campus’ academic programs are majors in the areas of engineering, math, science and business management. As a nationally ranked research university UMass Lowell is also home to a nuclear engineering program. On the tour, the students were able to see from a distance where the innovative nuclear engineering program does its research with the uses of nuclear energy in the advancement of clean energy. It was surprising to learn that UMass Lowell had such an outstanding program that takes part in developing new technology and taking the lead in innovation.
Also, on the North campus the students were able to see a newly built state-of-the-art science laboratory. The laboratory not only aids but assists the students in staying on top and at the forefront of discovery in breakthroughs in science.
There were many students in the halls of UMass as students were let out of their classes and went to the next class. PACE/TRIO students learned some of the history behind UMass Lowell too. Much of the tour consisted of students being informed, looking at what the school looked like and seeing firsthand the day-to-day operations of the school as classes were in session.
The UMass Lowell campus offers a variety of well-known franchises, which are Starbucks, Subway and Einstein Bros. Bagels in various locations on campus.
Although it was a cold and rainy day, the spirits of the students were high for having the opportunity of taking part in the tour. The tour ended with PACE/TRIO students and staff having lunch in the East campus’ dining hall of the school.
After lunch, the students met with Barbara Lang, assistant director of transfer admissions for undergraduates. Lang explained the process and pathway needed to make the transition to UMass Lowell. She gave an easy breakdown of what transferring to UMass Lowell would consist of. She gave an overview of tuition costs and how transfer students would benefit from scholarships and having a good academic standing.
Lang also introduced us to a new program that the school is offering students called TAP, which stands for Transfer Alliance Program. The program is designed to help transfer students make their transition easy by meeting and making friends with other first semester transfer students.
In doing so the program hopes to make strong peer alliances, have access to networking and connect with resources and services on campus.
After speaking Lang allowed the students to ask questions. She answered questions and helped the students to understand the transfer process. Before leaving UMassLowell, Lang provided each student with an information packet that included a transfer guide that would help aid the students in their decision.
UMass Lowell has over 120 majors and has many student clubs to choose from. UMass Lowell is now having fall open house through Nov. 18. If you cannot make the open house, you can always sign up for a tour at uml.edu/tours. If are not able to go on a tour but are interested in transferring, go to transfer@uml.edu