Good things are happening here

I know it looks like a PSA public service announcement, but I promise you it’s not. It has a well-being message. 

First, I’d like to apologize for this late show-up of the year of the NECC Observer. If you have seen the blue post of our newspaper all winter, you may see a sun faded edition portraying last Christmas rehearsal although we are close to spring. The reason is that suddenly we were informed that our prior printer company would not be able to continue working with us. Our research into printing services took a while but finally, we got a reasonable agreement and here we are again. 

Although we have a different format, the current printed version is small in height and wider than the previous one, the NECC Observer is still strong and portrays our sharp minds staff and collaborators, and their efforts to echo our peers’ preferences or concerns. 

This is my last semester before graduation, and something I would like to see happen is more peer’s engagement. Not that one through social media. I mean eye-to-eye engagement, human to human interaction. Maybe because I was born in the 1900s and grew up without a cellphone, I’m not used to, yet, sitting in the hallway and seeing almost everyone immersed in their screen with their earbuds or their big DJ’s style headphones. 

Therefore, I will try to encourage you to take a break from your mobile and look around, I promise you that good things are happening here, at NECC. Join the different activities, presentations and conversations and smile, ask questions and meet new people. 

“When you first meet someone, your brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, creating a “feel good” sensation, especially if you are experiencing initial attraction or interest, essentially giving you a positive response to this new encounter,” says the Royal Institution, a website that “brings the public and scientists together.”

Visit and see if you can join one of them. Although, for some reason I will later investigate, there are some flyers with events that are not posted on that website as they need to be submitted and approved, so please look up and see the flyers posted on the wall boards. 

My faves until the next edition are: 

For the interested in freedom of speech, “Sunshine Week Reading Party” is on 3/10 from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. at C-209.

For the adventurous, “Ski Trip to Gunstock Mountain-NH” will be on 3/14. Limited space. Book your spot to

“Bach’s Lunch Concert Series.” It’s like a mini concert with a talk about different instruments. It’s fun! Next will be 3/27 at noon – TC 103. 

For those  a year close to graduation, the “LinkedIn profile workshop with guest presenter from ALKU” should be a must. It will be on 26/3 from 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. – C203.   

Lastly, it’s midterm exam season, I’d like to point out that the library has lots of resources, and librarians are always eager to help above and beyond. If you are looking for a space to study /work on your own or in a group, on the Haverhill campus, there are private study rooms for 2, 6 or 8 people with bean bags. They tend to be busy! Last Spring ‘24, they had 225 student bookings, and last Fall ‘24 they had 340 bookings. So, I’d strongly recommend you book it in advance. Visit