Observer staff win awards

Observer Editor-in-Chief Daniela Valdivia-Terres, with her award from Associated Collegiate Presss. Photo by Faculty Adviser Mary Jo Shafer

Observer Editor-in-Chief Daniela Valdivia-Terres was awarded honorable mention for Reporter of the Year for two year colleges from Associated Collegiate Press.

The Observer also recently learned that two staff members will be honored with awards from the New England Newspaper and Press Association at their spring conference on March 29.

Arts and Entertainment Editor Shaun Hood, along with Observer correspondents from Journalism I and II classes are finalists for best Arts & Entertainment Page or Section in the New England Better Newspaper Competition college division.

Former NECC Observer Editor-in-Chief and Opinion Page Editor Kim Zappala is a finalist for best Opinion section.

These awards recognize work from the 2023-2024 school year.

Zappala won second place for best opinion page from NENPA in 2024.

Valdivia-Terres won first place for best news story at the convention in 2024.

The finalists will learn whether they placed first, second or third at the New England Newspaper Convention, which will take place on March 28 to 29 in Portland, Maine.