Observer Department: Editorial

Moving on to my next journey


 I am so sad that my duties as the Sports Editor and Editor-In-Chief will come to an end after the  end of the semester. This is my last issue of the Observer as a staff member. I have a lot of people to thank. First of all, I would like…

Stuck overnight heading to NYC for Basketball Coverage


On Friday evening  Oct.11, I drove  from Lawrence, MA to Corona Queens, NY, to stay at my relative's  house to cover the Knights basketball game on Saturday at noon in Long Island against Suffolk and on Sunday at 1 p.m. against Essex County. There is a twist on this story,…

My last semester at NECC and future plans


Hello everyone my name is Jose Rodriguez, i am currently the Editor-in-Chief and the Sports Editor here in the college. This is also my last semester, as my time at NECC is coming to an end in a few month. I want to say that I had so many great…

Gun violence in America


I believe in our Second Amendment Rights to bear arms, but I do not think that regular citizens should be able to acquire automatic or semiautomatic assault rifles. There has been 119 mass shootings so far this year and we are only into April. That is almost one a day,…

Double Duty as an Observer


Hello guys I am your Sports Editor Jose Rodriguez. I am 21 years old, currently living in Lawrence. I am majoring in communication and journalism with a concentration in journalism. I will be taking double duties in the newspaper until I graduate Northern Essex. I am not just your sports…

Good bye, farewell and thank you


And just like that, the second (and final) issue of the fall 2021 Observer is here. My final issue. The 2021 fall semester has been bittersweet, filled with ups, downs, and everything in between. For myself and many of us, the last two years have been difficult to say the…

Aaaaaand we’re BACK!


During the coronavirus pandemic, Observer staff had to figure out a new way to deliver the news. Enter WordPress. Was I familiar with WordPress? I had heard of it, but I had never seen or used it. This was fine though, because since students, i.e., the Observer student staff, were…

Graduating in a pandemic


Another spring, another slew of college graduations. It’s a tale as old as time itself. Except this year, it’s different. There will be no gathering with our peers, throwing our hats in air, and then celebrating together afterwards. Instead most of us will be tuning into a “virtual' graduation on…

Pandemic robs student athletes of a season


Almost all of the college sports seasons were either suspended, if they were already in play, or cancelled, if they had yet to start, by mid March. This had many far-reaching implications on many people, academic institutions, and corporations that relied on these sports for either entertainment or revenue. Many…

When will it end?


It’s been close to two months now since students were sent home from Northern Essex Community college. Most of these students have been confined to their houses, save for a few trips to the grocery store. A lot of them, a-lot of everybody, are starting to get just a little…