Observer Department: Opinion

No more wondering, let’s just work together

In the aftermath of the presidential election, most newspapers, Youtubers, podcasts or wherever you listen to the media, the trend topic is why, we the people, made Mr. Donald Trump go back to the White House.   Statistics and possible explanations are served for every political party the same for…

Reflections from Nov. 5: Student correspondent visited with voters at polling locations in Haverhill

With the election behind us and the aftershock of a historical victory in full swing, some look back and wonder: could we have seen this coming? On the evening of November 5th, I stepped into my car and began my drive around Haverhill, Massachusetts with the goal of visiting a…

I voted stickers on a white background

Ballot-less blues

Voting is a large part of being an American citizen, but what about the millions of people who are too young to cast their votes?  The election still affects them, but they do not have a direct effect on the outcome.  As the presidential election came to its peak last…

Online NECC classes for high school students?

Should students who are dual-enrolled at NECC be allowed to take online classes or should they be restricted to only early college classes? NECC offers dual enrollment with many high schools in the Merrimack Valley area. This program allows high school students to take college classes and earn college credits…

Media framing and bandwidth overload

“Life moves pretty fast” says Ferris Bueller, and it is moving faster and faster with each day. In the modern world the children and young adults of this era increasingly feel the wrenching collapse of space time bearing down upon us.    As we age, our perceptions of reality narrow…

Don’t let the election divide us

“The best way to lose a friendship is by talking about politics or religion,” I learned many years ago. Since then, I’ve tried to follow this advice, especially when I perceive that my relative or close friend is passionately advocating for their candidate without listening to anyone else’s opinion. I…

The sound of politics

Music and its subsequent effect on voters; from Kamala Harris being BRAT to Trump’s controversial rally playlists Amid the upcoming election, everything has a role and effect on its outcome, especially music. Candidates rely on several things for votes and connecting with potential voters, including music and the support of…

Internships: What are they and how can I get one?

Internships are a popular way for college students to gain entry-level experience, build skills, and network. Whether you find one online or create your own opportunity by reaching out to companies directly, internships let you build valuable skills and connections in just a few months. You can start interning as…

QR code for Handshake website

Do an internship before graduating

I changed my degree from Business Transfer to Communication & Journalism two semesters after I started at NECC. That decision was not easy to take, especially as I started to study in my 40’s, it is expected that at this age I have things clearer and as a mom of…

Discover Career Services

Thinking about your future? Career Services is here to help you in your career journey. Whether you’re exploring potential career paths, seeking internships, or preparing to land a job, we are here to equip you with the tools and confidence to take your next steps. We provide workshops and individualized…